

时间:2021-09-06 18:34:06 大学英语 我要投稿





第二个困难是我们对英美人的发音习惯不太熟悉。首先是你自己的发音,如果你的发音不准,你很有可能把correct听成是collect,把 go bad变质,变坏听成 go to bed上床睡觉,把break the ice, 听成break the eyes。 发音不准有两个原因,一是方言。发音不准的第二个原因是初中高中老师的误导。发音方面的另一个问题是发音技巧不熟悉。如连读、失去爆破加音、省音等现象。



[ f ] [ v ] [h] feasible vengeance hamper [θ] [ ] threshold thereafter

[ ] [ ] shorthand garage [ ] [] charity jeopardize

[ ] [] feats beads [ tr ] [dr] trunk droop

[m] [n] [] massacre notion son song [ l ] [ r ] loyalty field world reconcile


far away come on internal affairs good on you seven o’clock ten o’clock

an American an old lady in a hotel on a sunny day half a year here and there

lack of nothing a number of sold out for a year

3. 加音(为了连读前面单词最后一个元音与第二个单词的第一个元音而加音)

I can see it. [ j ] Can you see it? [ j ] I can do it. [w] Can you do it? [w] I saw it myself.[w] You saw it by yourself?[w] I did it myself. [ei] You did it by yourself? [ei] He got it. [ei] He didn’t get it. [ei] I’ll type it tomorrow. [ei] I typed it yesterday. [ei]

You can’t copy it. [ j ] I didn’t copy it. [ j ]

4. 不完全爆破(发前面的爆破音时只做口形但不送气)

a bad cold take care I don’t believe it. Good tea a bad boy work too hard look good

a blackboard a handbag a suitcase

I have read the book. Put the book on the desk The rich and the poor.

Let’s have a good chat. He has made the right choice. It’s a very bad joke.

That’s a very bad thought. I would like to have one. Let me have a look at it.

Good morning, sir. They are mostly teenagers. She came back after midnight.

5. 同化 (一个音受到另一个音影响或与另一个音接触产生第三个音,或这两个音的混合音)

Did you go to the flower show? I thought you would come. Did you tell her the news?

I’m very glad to meet you? Does she like the color? Please show me the way.

6. 一些口语中的发音

gonna = going to I am gonna get a job.

gotta = got to I’ve gotta go now. = I’ve got to go now.

wanna = want to I wanna listen some pops.

Scuse me = Excuse me Scuse me, but can I use the phone?

Why’d ya = Why did you Where’d ya = Where did you When’d ya = When did you

How’d ya = How did you

— Why’d ya come so late, Bob? —How’d ya get the job, Bob?

— Traffic was heavy. I was held up. —Through a friend of mine.

’em = them Do you like the kids? Sure. I love ’em.


1. 广泛地背单词、背词组是一个基础工作

2. 精听为主,泛听为辅。精听强调词汇、短语和句子结构,强调的是语言本身,就是一个字一个字地往过抠,标点符号都要搞清楚。泛听是抓大意,听重点信息,强调的是内容。泛听不如精听,你这次听不懂的单词和意群,放过去了,下次遇到还是不懂,练习时,一句一个暂停,把它听写下来,听3、5遍后,发现有实在听不懂的,马上看原文,但看过后应反复听,对听力而言,反复听已听懂的要比听听不懂的重要的多,效果也好很多。

3. 朗读与跟读使用过的材料,主要是纠音,并熟悉语调,记清楚听力中的问题词汇和短语

4. 看原版电影 可以的 盖住字幕 找那种对白多一点的电影 老是打斗场面 没多大效果

5. 听歌曲 发音技巧比较多一些 但要提防里面的broken grammar



