

时间:2021-09-06 18:32:22 大学英语 我要投稿




① 数字题


   a.正确辨听数字,不要混淆:在英语数字听力材料中,容易弄错的数字有:three, six, seven.此外,-teen和-ty也是要分清楚的。?

 b. 在进行运算时注意关键的提示词,如slow, fast, increase, double, decrease, drop to, twice, 3 times等。以确认是加还是减,是乘还是除,乘几等,例如: ?

You’ll hear:?

W: Oh, good heavens. It’s already 3 o’ clock now.

M: Don’t worry. That clock is one hour faster.?

Q: What time is it now? ?

这一题较简单,但有的同学一听“faster”一词,便会加上一小时,得出“It’s 4 o’clock now.”的结论,这实在是不应犯的粗心错误。?

又如:You’ll hear:?

M: The number of the freshmen in our department reached 90 last year, but because of lack of dormitory rooms, it dropped 1/3 this year. ?

W:As far as I know, a lot of new dormitories are being built. The number of the freshmen next year will be double of that this year.?

Q: How many freshmen will there be next year? ?

这一题的运算较为复杂一点,这里我们关键是要听清是“dropped”还是“dropped to”。这一题的四个选项为:(A)60, (B)90,(C)120,(D)150。如果抓住“dropped”及女士谈话中的“double”,不难找到正确答案,即(C)项120。?

c. 在对话中出现多个数字时,记好笔记并注意问题——即注意我们要找的是哪个数字,例

如,You’ll rear:?

W: How much does that book cost?

M: 10 dollars but each of us 4 has only 8 dollars. ?

Q: If each of them wants to buy a book, how much do they lack in total? ?

You’ll read:?

(A)$4.   (B)$8.    (C)$10.   (D)$12.?

解答这题时,首先要做简单的笔记,记下“10→book”,“4×8”,分别代表“10 dollars a book” 和“4 people ×8 dollars.”其次注意提问,不是“How much does a book cost?”或“How much do 4 books cost?”而是“how much do they lack in total?”,很快我们可以列出算式10×4-8×4=8所以,答案为(B)$8。 ?

② 地点题

地点题是对话中比较容易把握的一类,近年来在四级考试中出现的频率不高,但近两年来每年都有一题。地点题一般分为两种:(1)猜测地点;(2)确认地点。猜测地点指注意谈话环境,从谈话中所提及的关键词推测谈话环境。这类题的提问方式为“Where does the conversation most probably take place?”,谈话中一般不提及地点,如:?

M: Do you have any ties that match this shirt??

W: Su