

时间:2021-10-30 14:25:03 中学英语 我要投稿


      Washoe is a young chimpanzee (黑猩猩). She is no __1__ chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing a research __2__ her. They want to see how civilized (驯化) she can __3__. Already she does many things a human being can do.

        For example, she has been learning how to exchange __4__ with people. The scientists are teaching her __5__ language.  When she wants to be picked __6__, Washoe points up with one finger. She rubs her teeth with her finger__7__she wants to brush her teeth. This is done after every meal.


        Washoe has also been__8__to think out and find answers to problems. Once she was put in a __9__ with food hanging from the ceiling. It was too high to __10 __. After she considered the __11__, she got a tall box to stand __12__. The food was still too high to be reached. Washoe found a __13__ pole. Then she climbed onto the __14__, grasped the pole, and __15__ down the food with the pole.

        Washoe__16__like a human, too. The scientists keep her in a fully furnished (家具齐全的) house. After a hard __17__ in the laboratory, she goes home. __18__ she plays with her toys. She __19__ enjoys watching television before going to bed.

       Scientists hope to __20__ more about people by studying our closest relative (亲属) -- chimpanzee.

  1. A. foolish       B. ordinary       C. special        D. simple    

  2. A. for          B. by           C. to            D. on       

  3. A. experience   B. change      C. develop      D. become   

  4. A. actions         B. views         C. messages    D. feelings   

  5. A. sign           B. human        C. spoken        D. foreign   

  6. A. out            B. at            C. on            D. up       

  7. A. when          B. until         C. since          D. while     

  8. A. raised         B. trained       C. ordered       D. led      

  9. A. cave           B. zoo           C. room        D. museum  

  10. A. pull           B. see           C. eat           D. reach    

  11. A. problem        B. position       C. food          D. ceiling   

  12. A. by             B. on           C. up          D. with     

  13. A. straight        B. strong        C. long          D. big      

  14. A. wall          B. box          C. ceiling        D. pole      

  15. A. knocked        B. picked       C. took          D. shook   

  16. A. lives          B. acts          C. thinks        D. plays    

  17. A. task          B. lesson         C. day           D. time     

  18. A. Here          B. There        C. So            D. Then     

  19. A. quite          B. already       C. even          D. still      

  20. A. observe      B. discover       C. gain         D. learn     

  1-5BDDCA  6-10DABCD  11-15ABCBA  16-20ACBCD


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  词义比较逻辑推理 Washoe虽然还年幼,可绝对不是普普通通的黑猩猩,因为科学家正在对Washoe进行研究与实验。特别注意后面的though作副词用,意为"虽然, 可是",根据语意转折。foolish愚蠢的,笨的;ordinary平常的, 普通的, 平凡的;special特别的,特殊的;simple简单的、单纯的。  

  2 D 固定搭配 do (make) a research on…对……进行研究。

  3 D 语法规则 civilized是由动词变过来的形容词,文中已标出汉语意思,其作表语只能选半系动词become,其它选项均为及物动词,有的作不及物动词使用上也不能作连系动词。experience经历;change改变;develop发展;become变成。   

  4 C 常识运用 Washoe作为被研究的一种动物,和人所交换的只能是一些较简单的信息(messages),而不可能是有较高思维能力的感情(feelings),观点(views)和行为(actions)。

  5 A 常识运用

  前后照应 sign language手势语,而口语(spoken)、外语(foreign language)、人类的语言(human language)均是无法教给Washoe的。

  6 D 常识运用词义比较固定搭配 西方人乘出租车时,常竖起大拇指。这种手势语言和文中的"she wants to be picked up"是一致的。pick up拿起,捡起来,使……爬起,收集;其它选项与pick搭配语义均与文意不符。pick out挑选;pick at用手指弹;pick on嘲笑,欺侮。   

  7 A 语句连贯 其它选项虽均可引起时间状语从句,但都表示不同的意思。while表示一段较长的时间,所引起的时间状语从句所表示的动作往往与主句谓语动作同时发生。而when既可以表示一段时间,也可以表示点时间。这一句和上一句是平行结构的两句。

  8 B 逻辑推理词义比较 经过"训练",黑猩猩才具备思考和解决问题的能力。再则根据前文"doing a research on her","has been learning","teaching her sign language"等提示可知应选trained(被训练),而不是被饲养(raised)、