
词汇 别没大没小的act ones age

时间:2021-10-31 09:57:34 生活口语 我要投稿

实用词汇 别没大没小的act ones age



  Mr. Brown was playing tag with the children at the party. Then Mrs. Brown said, "Henry, act your age," and he stopped. 布朗先生在聚会上和孩子们玩捉迷藏,只听布朗太太说:“亨利,别没大没小的。”于是布朗先生不再玩了。

  在上面这个例子中,act one's age就是指“举止与年龄相称”,有时也用be one's age来表示,用来形容孩子气。来看下面这个例子:

  We children enjoyed our uncle because he didn't always act his age. 我们孩子们喜欢叔叔因为他时常很孩子气。

  但act one's age的翻译常要结合语境。在下面这句话里,act one's age就不能说成“没大没小的”。

  Bobby cried when he broke his kite. Mother said: "You are a big boy now. Act your age." 波比弄坏了他的风筝,哭起来。他妈妈说:“你已经是个大孩子了,就该像个大孩子样,别动不动就哭哭啼啼的。”