






  • 考研英语作文范文及评析2021-08-06

    考研英语作文范文及评析 上海理工大学外语学院 贾从永  建议信已考过两次(2007年和2009年),但前两次都是公务信函,今年是私人信函,语言可适当口语化。信从称呼写起,亲戚间常直呼其名...

  • 三大类考研英语作文模板2021-08-05

    三大类考研英语作文模板 第一类:图表作文 第一段: (3句话 ) 曲线图、柱形图、表格图: 1.· 图表内容:What is illustrated above shows usclearly...

  • 戏说经典2021-09-07

    Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “The Adaptation of the Classical Liter...

  • 毕业咯2021-09-07

    Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “After Graduation” In the essay, you s...

  • 汽车--该爱你还是恨你?2021-09-07

    Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “Cars: Should we Love them or Hate the...

  • 哪种职业加班最多2021-09-07

    Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following bar chart. In your essay, you should first de...

  • 环保问题2021-09-07

    Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following pie charts. In your essay, you should first d...

  • 节约社会2021-09-07

    Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first desc...

  • 大学生心理2021-09-07

    Directions: Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following bar chart. In your essay, you sh...

  • 神六问题2021-09-07

    Directions: Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following table. In your essay, you should...

  • NOTICE2021-09-07

    三年纪的英语老师张利从今天起请病假1周,通知1,2 班的同学 。一班周一3,4节的英语课调到周3的5,6节;2班周二1,2节的英语课到周4的5,6节。 请同学们按时上课,发通知者为教务处(DEAN‘...

  • 请对吸烟谈谈你的看法2021-09-07

    Tobacco smoke is killing thousands of people every year and injuring hundreds of thousands more ever...

  • Opportunity and Success2021-09-07

    Opportunities dont come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go...

  • 现在许多人愿意乘飞机旅行2021-09-07

    Directions: A. Title: Air Travel B. Time limit: 40 minutes C. Word limit: about 200 words D. You...

  • 机不可失,时不再来2021-09-07

    Directions : In this part, you are to write an essay on “Opportunity and Success “. You should write...

  • 私家车问题的争论并提出我的看法2021-09-07

    Directions: Some people believe that private cars should be encouraged in China. Others argue that p...

  • 考研英语作文范文选:Opportunity and Success2021-09-07

    Opportunities dont come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go...

  • 考研英语作文范文选:Private car2021-09-07

    Outline: 1)Advantages of owning a private car. 2)Disadvantages of owning a private car. 3)Should ...

  • On Developing Tourism2021-09-07

    Tourism, a "smokeless industry", is developing rapidly in China. With the open and reform policy bei...

  • The Value of Time2021-09-07

     As a popular saying goes, "Time is money. "In fact, time is more precious than money. When mon...

  • On Keeping a Diary in English2021-09-07

    Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Comp...

  • On University Tuition System in China2021-09-07

     Tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect. Dif...

  • 怎样才能提高我的外语写作水平?2021-09-07

    如何写好英语作文 怎样才能提高我的外语写作水平?      Q and A Q: How can I improve my writing if I ...

  • College Pressure(大学生的压力)2021-09-07

            College Pressure       &nb...