voluntourism 公益旅行

时间:2021-10-09 09:16:38 英语阅读 我要投稿

voluntourism 公益旅行

As you plan -- or even go -- on your summer vacation, think about this: More and more Americans are no longer taking a few weeks off to suntan and sightsee abroad. Instead they're working in orphanages1, building schools and teaching2 English.  如果你正谋划如何过暑假,考虑下这个:越来越多的`美国人不再花数周时间去晒日光浴或者去国外观光旅行,他们去孤儿院做义工,参与学校建设,教孩子们英语。   It's called volunteer tourism, or "voluntourism," and it's one of the fastest growing trends3 in travel today. More than 1.6 million volunteer tourists are spending about $2 billion each year.  这就是“公益旅行”,已经成为旅行界发展最迅速的趋势之一。每年,有超过160万志愿者游客花费大约20亿美元。

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