

时间:2022-02-06 19:00:38 专业词汇 我要投稿


11月30日,现年59岁的美国国土安全部部长汤姆·里奇向白宫递交辞呈,成为布什连任后第7位辞职的内阁高官。之前,国务卿鲍威尔、教育部长佩奇、农业部长维尼曼、能源部长亚伯拉罕、司法部长阿什克罗夫特和商务部长埃文斯已相继辞职。里奇的主要政绩包括在社会福利制度和死刑程序等方面的改革。他曾经两度竞争共和党总统候选人,不过最终,鲍勃·多尔和布什分别在1996年和2000年成为了总统候选人。外电报道如下:Tom Ridge, the nation's first homeland security secretary, announced Tuesday that he is resigning after three years of reworking American security and presiding over color-coded terror alerts. He's the seventh Bush Cabinet officer leaving so far.

Ridge oversaw the most significant government reorganization in 50 years. He'll be remembered for his terror alerts and tutorials about how to prepare for possible attacks, including the controversial "disaster kits" that caused last year's run on duct tape and plastic sheeting.

Tutorial表示“指南,指导手册,辅导”,例如:individual tutorial(个别辅导);laboratory tutorial(实验辅导课)
