give me your hand in chinese.

【 - 外语问答】
give me your hand, in chinese. Here’s how leaders can stop encouraging this behavior. Begin by admitting that we all have a tendency to favor those who favor us, even if we don’t mean to. We should then rank our direct reports in three areas. First, how much do they like me? (I know you aren’t sure. What matters is how much you think they like you.) Second, what is their contribution to our company and our customers? Third, how much positive, personal recognition do I give them? In many cases, if we are honest with ourselves, how much recognition we give someone is more often highly correlated with how much they seem to like us than it is with how well they perform. If that is the case, we may be encouraging the kind of behavior that we despise in others. Without meaning to, we are basking in hollow praise, which makes us hollow leaders.


参考案 领导怎样才能抑制这种行为呢?起初,我们要承认人人都有“谁喜欢我,我才喜欢他”的倾向,即使是无意的。然后我们要在这三个方面作出评价。首先,他们喜欢你到何种程度?(我知道你无法作出准确判断,题其实就是你自己认为他们喜欢你到何种程度),其次,他们对我们的公司和顾客有何贡献?第三,我给了他们多少积极肯定的个人评价?在许多案例中,凭自己良心说话,这种个人评价好坏经常是取决于他们是否喜欢我们,而不是他们实际表现如何。如果这是事实,那么我们就是在鼓励别人进行这种我们所鄙视的讨好行为。不言而喻,我们沉湎于不切实际的奉承中,结果就成了不切实际的领导。
