  • GRE作文讲座


  • GRE作文:经济与环境

    GRE作文是美国所有作文考试质量要求较高的,改革后的GRE考试在写作上要求更具体一些。我们在GRE写作的时候,平时也要注意大量素材的积累,以下是GRE作文备考资料大集合。经济对环境的影响Nearly all of the postwar technologies which have caused ...

  • GRE作文核心句型

    开头1. The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect(fail) to mention (take into account) the fact that….2. Although many people believe that…...

  • GRE简介

    GRE(Graduate Record Exam)GRE考试是研究生的入学考试,它适用于除了法律(需参加LSAT考试)与商业(需参加GMAT考)以外的各种学科与专业的研究生考试。GRE考试分为两种,一种是普通GRE考试(GRE General),也就是大部分中国学生参加的GRE考试。另一种是专...

  • GRE作文范例10

    The following appeared in the editorial section of a health and fitness magazine."In a study of the effects of exercise on longevity, medical research...

  • GRE作文范例5

    Issue"Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising and television because contemporary culture has much gre...

  • GRE笔经


  • GRE试题(四)

    Time –30 minutes25 Questions1. Drug companies lose money when manufacturing drugs that cure those suffering from rare diseases because selling a drug ...

  • GRE试题(五)

    Time-30 minutes38 Questions1. Although sales have continued to increase since last April, unfortunately the rate of increase has ----.(A) resurged(B) ...

  • GRE试题(六)

    Time –30 minutes25 QuestionsQuestions 1-8A bakery makes nine kinds of cookies. Of these nine, three kinds are fruit cookies—G, H, and J; three kinds a...

  • GRE作文满分 现身说经验

    GRE作文满分 现身说经验高二考托福以前虽然我语感已经不错,不过还是只能写那种100多个字的4。6级作文,质的飞跃是托福作文的准备。作文说难真的很难,说简单,其实也就连个关键词:新概念四+动手写。当时我新概念四前面部分的短的文章基本上都背,长的文章感觉超出我的极限,就选了一些段落背(就是那些很...

  • GRE作文范例13

    Issue"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it b...

  • GRE作文范例11

    Issue"The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is...

  • GRE作文范例8

    The following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper."Ever since the 1950's, when television sets began to appear in the aver...

  • GRE作文范例4

    TopicThe following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine"The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the glo...

  • GRE作文范例20

    A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression tha...

  • GRE作文范例16

    As people grow older, an enzyme known as PEP increasingly breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals involved in learning and memory. But now, researchers...

  • GRE作文范例6

    TopicThe following is a letter to the editor of the Atticus City newspaper"Former Mayor Durant owes an apology to the city of Atticus. Both the damage...

  • GRE作文范例3

    Issue"People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual compet...

  • GRE作文范例19

    Issue"Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of hum...

  • GRE作文范例18

    In a study of reading habits of Leeville citizens conducted by the University of Leeville, most respondents said they preferred literary classics as r...

  • GRE英语作文分类题库—ISSUE

    一、教育类1. A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different...

  • GRE数学常用公式

    1、诱导公式sin(-a)=-sin(a) cos(-a)=cos(a) sin(pi/2-a)=cos(a) cos(pi/2-a)=sin(a)sin(pi/2+a)=cos(a) cos(pi/2+a)=-sin(a) sin(pi-a)=sin(a) cos(pi-a)=-cos(a)sin...

  • GRE Writing Assessment简介

    从1999年10月开始的这项GRE作文评估考试并不是强制考试项目,您可以根据自己的需要以及所报学校的要求决定是否参与此项考试。不过随着这项考试的普及以及它所能反映的考生写作的能力,应该会有越来越多的学校要求申请入学的学生提供此项成绩。下面是考试内容简介:The GRE Writing Assessm...