
时间:2006-04-23 08:31:58 英语词汇 我要投稿


  继往开来  continue with the past and open up the future

  纪委  discipline inspection commission

  鸡尾酒疗法  drug cocktail therapy (treatment)

  即席讲话  speak impromptu; make an impromptu speech; off-the-cuff remarks

  极限运动  extreme sports; X-sports

  吉祥如意  Everything goes well

  吉祥物  mascot  

  继续深化国有企业改革、使企业真正成为市场竞争的主体  to deepen SOE reform to enable them to become main players in the market competition;

  积压产品  overstocked commodities (inventories)  

  积压滞销  overstocked commodity (inventory)

  机译  machine translation (MT)

  基因工程  genetic engineering  

  基因库  gene bank

  基因水稻  trans-genetic hybrid rice

  基因突变  genetic mutation  

  基因图谱  genome; Gene chip (DNA microarray)

  即印相片  instant photo

  基因组  genome

  绩优股  blue chip  

  集约化  intensification

  集约化经营  intensive management  

  集约经营  intensive operation  

  记帐式国债  book-entry T-bonds

  记帐式国库券  inscribed treasury bond

  记者席  press box  

  记者招待会  press conference  

  家政服务  household service

  集中精力把经济建设搞上去  go all out for economic development  

  集装箱运输船  container freighter  

  集装运输  container shipping

  集资  pool resources; collect money; raise funds; raise money

  集资办学  raise money to set up new schools

  集资房  houses built with funds collected by the buyers  

  甲A足球队  Division A soccer team

  加班  overtime work  

  嘉宾  distinguished guest, honored guest  

  假唱  lip-synch  

  假钞票  fake note; phony money; stumer

  假动作  deception; feint; deception  

  价格波动  price fluctuation

  价格操纵  price manipulation; price rigging

  价格反弹  price rebound

  价格浮动范围  price-float range  

  价格弹性  price elasticity

  价格听证会  public price hearings  

  价格脱离价值  divergence of prices from values; divorce price from value

  加工贸易  trade involving the processing of








