
时间:2006-04-23 08:31:58 英语词汇 我要投稿


  阶梯教室  lecture theatre; terrace classroom  

  街心花园  park at an intersection; garden in the city center  

  节育率  rate of contraception

  节奏布鲁斯音乐(RMB音乐)  rhythm blues

  街舞  hip-hop

  技工学校  skilled workers training school

  积极的财政政策  proactive fiscal policy

  积木  building block

  金本位  gold standard  

  金边债券  gilt-edged bonds  

  金蝉脱壳  escape like a cicada by casting off its skin; stratagem for slinking off  

  进出口经营权  import-export operation right; power to engage in import and export trade  

  进出口商会  chamber of import and export trade  

  进出口总额  total volume of foreign trade

  近地卫星  near-earth satellite

  金刚经  Vajracchedika-sutra  

  进宫  be put in prison; be sent to jail; be taken into custody

  紧箍咒  inhibiting magic phrase  

  近海地区  offshore area

  近海渔业   offshore fishery  

  近海钻探  offshore drilling

  金鸡奖  Golden Rooster Awards

  晋级考试  promotion test-test given to promote candidates on their knowledge of the relevant subjects  

  紧急通知  emergency notice

  紧急状态   emergency; state of emergency  

  金降落伞  golden parachute  

  进口差价税  import variable duties  

  进口附加税  import surcharge  

  进口环节税  import linkage tax  

  进口渗透  import penetration  

  进口税  import duty; import tariff

  金领工人  gold-collar worker

  紧密型企业集团  tightly-knit groups of enterprises  

  金瓶擎签  lot-drawing from a golden urn

  紧俏  sell well (commodities); in short supply

  紧俏产品  commodities in short supply  

  近日点  perihelion

  金融重组  financial reorganization

  金融电子化  computerize financial services  

  金融工具  financial instruments  

  金融寡头  financial oligarchy; financial magnate; financial tycoon

  金融货币危机  financial and monetary crisis  

  金融违规行为  Financial irregularities /improprieties  

  金融危机  financial crisis  

  金融衍生物  financi








