

时间:2022-02-06 16:54:13 英语词汇 我要投稿


  经济调整 economic restructure


  经济头脑 commercially minded people; people with business sense  

  经济危机 economic crisis

  经济萧条 economic depression; economic slump; business depression  

  经济效益 economic returns;economic efficiency

  经济一体化 economic integration

  经济责任制 economic responsibility system

  经济增长点 growth engine;economic growth point

  经济总量 economic aggregate  

  精简会议 cut down the number of meetings to make them shorter

  精简机构 streamline government organs  

  精简、统一、效能的原则 principle of simplified administration, unified action and higher efficiency

  经济承包制 management contract system  

  警戒水位 warning level; danger level

  京剧票友 Peking Opera fan  

  京剧人物脸谱 types of facial make-up in Beijing opera  

  敬老院 home for the aged; seniors' home

  精品 competitive products  

  景气产业 thriving business;thriving industries;thriving economy

  精神食粮 nourishment for the mind; intellectual food

  精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress; develop socialist culture and ethics  

  精神文明 cultural and ideological progress

  精神支柱 spiritual pillar

  景泰蓝 cloisonné  

  境外就业 be employed abroad

  境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad  

  竞选辩论 election debate

  竞选委员会 election committee;election board

  竞选运动 election campaign

  敬业精神 professional dedication; professional ethics  

  经营费用 running expense

  经营管理高度科学化的现代化大企业 modern big enterprise with highly scientific management system  

  经营管理不善 mismanagement; poor management; poor operation and management  

  经营权与所有权分离 separation of the right of management from the right of ownership  

  经营责任制 management system

  精英治国论 theory of elite administration

  竞争机制 competitive mechanism

  竞争上岗 take up a job through competition  

  竞争优势 competitive edge; advantage in competition

  精子库 sperm bank