

时间:2022-02-06 16:54:12 英语词汇 我要投稿


  金融监管 financial regulation


  集体企业 collectively-owned enterprise

  就地考察 on-the-spot inspection

  就地取材 obtain materials from local sources; draw on local resources

  纠风办 State Council Office for Rectifying  

  救济金 relief fund

  九届全国人大四次会议 the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress  

  九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education

  酒肉朋友 fair-weather friend

  九五攻关 State Key Task 95  

  就业保险 employment insurance

  就业服务 employment service

  就业高峰年 peak year for college graduates entering the job market.  

  就业机会 job opening; job opportunity

  就业前培训  pre-job training; pre-service training   

  就业压力 employment pressure

  救援人员 rescue workers

  救灾扶贫 provide disaster relief and help the poor

  纠正随意改变基本农田用途的现象 rectify unauthorized changes in the use of primary farmland

  酒泉卫星发射中心 Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre

  救死扶伤 heal the wounded and rescue the dying

  九五折 a five percent discount; a 95 percent charge

  举办城市 host city

  举报监督电话 hotline for public report and supervision  

  举报信箱 complaint mailbox

  举报中心 informant center

  举杯 propose a toast  

  局部战争 local war

  聚赌 group gambling; gamble in a group

  鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 bend one's back to the task until one's dying day; give one's all till one's heart stops beating

  聚集效益 aggregation effect

  居留权 right of abode;right of residence

  居民委员会 residential committee; neighborhood committee; residents's committee  

  举手表决 vote by show of hands

  巨无霸 giant;extra large

  具有中国特色 with Chinese characteristics  

  局域网 local area network (LAN)  

  拒载 refuse to take passengers  

  举债经营 operation with borrowed capital

  捐资办学 denote money for school

  决策机构 decision-making organ;policy-making body

  决策性机构 policy-making body

  决战时刻 zero hour

  居民身份证 resident