

时间:2022-02-06 16:49:15 英语词汇 我要投稿


  专业化分工 division of labor based on specialization


  专业化经营 specialized operation

  转移支付 transfer payment

  转变政府管理职能 transform the functions of government

  转播 relay-broadcasting or TV stations broadcast programs from other stations

  壮大县城经济 expand intra-county econmies

  撞线 breast the tape  

  专利许可 patent grant

  转移支付制度 the transfer payment system

  主板市场 main board market

  追潮族 fashion follower

  追车族 auto fan

  追赶型和跨越式发展 pursuant and leap-forward development  

  追究责任 call to account; ascertain where the  

  坠落的残骸、碎片 falling debris

  追平 score the equalizer  

  追星族 star fan; groupie

  准备金 reserve fund; capital reserves

  准博士 all but dissertation (ABD)  

  准妈妈 mother-to-be

  准上市公司 pro-listed companies  

  资本产权 capital property rights

  资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio

  资本额过多 overcapalisation  

  资本利润率 rate of return on capital  

  资本流出渠道 channels for capital outflow

  资本市场 capital market

  资本外逃 capital flight

  资本主义自由化 capitalist liberalization

  资不抵债 insolvency

  资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of assets; maintenance and appreciation of assets value

  资产剥离 peel off (bad) assets of a company  

  资产重组 reorganized assets; assets reorganization

  资产负债表 balance sheet  

  资产管理 assets control;assets management  

  资产阶级自由化 bourgeois liberalization  

  资产评估 asset assessment

  资产调控 assets control