



  • regret (v.) 遗憾2022-02-06

    regret (v.) 遗憾,抱歉 I regret that I ever met you! 我真后悔认识你!...

  • Of course. 当然.2022-02-06

    Of course. 当然。 A:We are having a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come? B:Of course. I l...

  • steal (v.) 偷2022-02-06

    steal (v.)    偷。(过去时stole) A: Can I steal a minute of your time? 我可以耽误你一下吗? B: ...

  • How about this? 这样如何?2022-02-06

    How about this? 这样做如何? A:How about this? If you do your homework now, you can watch the cartoon&...

  • trend (n.) 潮流2022-02-06

    trend (n.) 潮流 A: Do you follow the latest fashion trends? 你会跟随最新的流行吗? B: They change too fast. ...

  • No problem. 没问题.2022-02-06

    No problem. 没关系。没问题。 A:Sorry, I am late for work. B:No problem. Please try to be on time tomorr...

  • weird (a.) 怪异的2022-02-06

    weird (a.)    怪异的 A: My boyfriend just said something really weird to me. 我男朋友刚刚跟我...

  • Dont worry. 别担心2022-02-06

    Dont worry. 别担心。 A:I think you are going to be late for school! B:Dont worry. I still have a lo...

  • mercy (n.) 怜悯,慈悲2022-02-06

    mercy (n.) 怜悯,慈悲 A: How should I punish the man who cheated on me? 我该怎么惩罚背叛我的男人? B: You should ...

  • feast (v.) 设宴款待2022-02-06

    feast (v.) 设宴款待 A: What are we doing tonight? 我们今晚要做什么? B: We will feast on seafood and wine. ...

  • pollute (v.) 污染,玷污2022-02-06

    pollute (v.) 污染,玷污 A: Why dont you just throw your garbage in the river? 你怎么不干脆把垃圾丢进河里? B: Are ...

  • kinda (adv.) 有一点,有几分2022-02-06

    kinda (adv.) 有一点,有几分;即kind of 的口语说法 A: I feel kinda tired. 我觉得有点累。 B: Me, too. Lets go home. 我...

  • bonkers (a.) 脑筋有问题的2022-02-06

    bonkers (a.) 脑筋有问题的,秀逗的 A: That was the craziest concert I ever saw. 那是我看过最疯狂的演唱会。 B: Yeah, eve...

  • left-handed (a.) 左撇子的2022-02-06

     left-handed (a.) 左撇子的 A: You left-handed people are strange. 你们这些左撇子真奇怪。 B: No, we are un...

  • imagine (v.) 想象2022-02-06

    imagine (v.) 想象 A: What would you do if Matt Damon asked you out? 麦特戴蒙约你出去的话,你会怎样? B: I cant ev...

  • flashy (a.) 俗艳的,外表炫的2022-02-06

    flashy (a.) 俗艳的,外表炫的 A: Do you like my new shirt? 你喜欢我这件新上衣吗? B: No, its a little too flashy. ...

  • co-worker (n.) 同事2022-02-06

    co-worker (n.) 同事 A: Why are you always at the office? 你怎么老待在办公室啊? B: I have a crush on a co-wo...

  • expire (v.) 到期,届满2022-02-06

    expire (v.) 到期,届满 A: Uggh! This milk tastes like puke! 啊!这牛奶的味道像馊水! B: Thats because it expired...

  • supervisor (n.) 管理者,主管2022-02-06

    supervisor (n.) 管理者,主管 A: My new job is great except for the supervisor. 除了主管之外,我的新工作都很棒。 B: We...

  • deposit (v.) 存款2022-02-06

    deposit (v.) 存款 A: Why were you at the bank for so long? 你怎么在银行待了那么久? B: It takes a while to de...

  • withdraw (v.) 提款2022-02-06

    withdraw (v.) 提款 A: Can you withdraw some cash for me, too? 你可以顺便提点钱借我吗? B: Sorry, its every ma...

  • rather (adv.) 宁愿2022-02-06

    rather (adv.) 宁愿 A: Would you rather drink milk or orange juice? 你比较想喝牛奶还是柳橙汁? B: Orange juice ...

  • impressed (a.) 令人印象深刻的2022-02-06

    impressed (a.) 令人印象深刻的 A: Did you like the article I wrote? 你喜欢我写的那篇文章吗? B: Yes. I was very imp...

  • sequel (n.) 续集2022-02-06

    sequel (n.) 续集 A: Did you see Rambo II? 你有看过《蓝波第二集》吗? B: No, I never watch sequels. 没有,我从不看续集。...