

时间:2021-09-06 18:26:55 大学英语 我要投稿




1. A Bad Day 倒霉的一天.看谁最倒霉.?

     There was a guy in a bar, just looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half an hour. Then, this big trouble-making vehicle mechanic stepped up to him, gripped his collar, took the mug from him, and drank it all down. The poor man started weeping. The mechanic said, “Come on ,man, I was just joking. Here, I’ll buy you another drink. I just can’t see a man crying. ”“No, it’s not that. I’m distressed. This day is the worst of my life. My burden is so heavy. First, I was late getting to my office. My boss had a hostile temper, and fired me. When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said they could do nothing and ditched my case. I got a cab to return home, and when I left it, I remembered I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drove away. When I got home, I found my beloved wife died of her heart attack, coiled beneath her blanket. I left home and came to this bar. And just when I was thinking about committing suicide, you emerged and drank my dose of poison.”?





2.bar?n.? ① 酒吧间,售酒(或食物等)的柜台 ② 条,块 ③ (门、窗等的)闩,栅栏 ‖?vt.? ① 闩(门、窗等),在…设栅栏 ② 阻止,拦阻 ③ 阻塞,封锁(道路等) ?

3. vehicle ?n.? ① 运载工具,车辆  ② 传播媒介,工具,手段?

4. mechanic ?n.?技工,机械工?

【联想】mechanical  ?a.? ① 机械的,由机械制成的 ② 机械学的,力学的 ③ 机械似的,呆板的 / mechanism  ?n.?  ① 机械装置 ② 机构,结构 ③ 办法,途径?

5. grip ?v.?  ① 紧握,抓紧 ② 吸引住…的注意力(或想象力等) ‖ ?n.?  ① 紧握,抓牢 ② 控制?