

时间:2022-02-06 10:12:58 中学英语 我要投稿





1)—Do you _____  him?

   — _____  ,I don't know him./nu/

2)I forgot_____  I began to_____  the glasses./w/

3)_____ team will start in half an _____  ./au/

4)_____ of the runners from Class Two _____ the race at last


5)They_____  the river at half _____  ten./pst/

6)I_____  the_____  nurse.Her name was Wang Li./nju:/

7)Did you_____  anybody cry_____  last night?/hi/

8)He_____  his picnic basket under the tree covered

with_____  ./li:vz/

9)My_____  lives_____  away than my brother./f/

10)The girl with a _____  of sunglasses is eating a _____ 


11)Little Tom can't _____  with his _____  hand./rait/

12)The girl in a _____  coat _____  an interesting story

book last night.

       /red /

13)Kate _____  out the kite _____  the window./ru:/

14)Yesterday I _____  _____  apples./eit/

15) _____ you like to buy some _____  ?/wud/

16)I spent the _____  day digging the _____  ./hul/

17)The man happened to _____  a friend of his when he was

buying _____ in a shop./mi:t/

18)Bill told me that he was _____  at Chinese last _____  .


19)The  _____ boys are _____  young _____  go to school./


20)Can you  _____ the _____  on the map of the world?/si:

21)The man is asking his _____ ,“Which is the biggest,the

_____  ,the earth or the moon?”/sn/