
第92讲:crocodile tears; sob story

时间:2022-02-06 18:09:25 生活口语 我要投稿

第92讲:crocodile tears; sob story

今天我们要给大家介绍两个和眼泪有关的俗语。大家知道,眼泪的英文字就是tears。 英文里有一个说法,叫做:crocodile tears。Crocodile就是鳄鱼。Crocodile tears和中国人常说的“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”是一样的意思。Crocodile tears这个俗语来自一个古老的神话,说是鳄鱼往往发出一种哭的声音来引诱那些它们要吃的动物,然后一面吃一面流眼泪。这当然不是事实,但是这个说法已经成常用语。下面我们来举个例子:

"The truth is that Pete never liked his rich Uncle John. But you should have seen his crocodile tears when the old man died and left him a million dollars!"



"In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people. But I don't see him doing anything to help them."


我们要讲的另一个和“哭”有关的俗语是:sob story。Sob是哭泣的意思,story就是故事。Sob story的意思就是某人编造一个令人伤心的故事来赢得别人的同情,甚至于让人给钱来帮助他。下面是一位女士在描述她怎么听了一个sob story以后受骗的:

"Usually I don't give money to beggars. But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars."


世界上好心人是不少的,下面这个例子又是一个人上了sob story的当:

"On my way to work this man stopped me and said he hadn't eaten in three days so I gave him a dollar. On my way home I saw him get into a new car and drive off and I know now he had given me a sob story."


我们今天讲的两个习惯用语都是和眼泪有关的。它们是:crocodile tears和sob story。Crocodile tears从字面上来翻译就是:鳄鱼的眼泪,实际上也就是“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”。Sob story是编造悲惨的故事来赢得人们的同情。