

时间:2022-02-06 19:22:32 专业词汇 我要投稿


2008夏季奥运会      2008 summer Olympics


国际奥委会              the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

申办城市                 the bidding cities

候选城市                 the candidate cities

申办2008年奥运会   bid for 2008 Olympics

北京奥申委              Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBCO)

主办2008年奥运会   host the 2008 Olympic Games

奥林匹克精神           the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

世界奥林匹克日        the International Olympic Day

环境保护                 protect the environment

北京四环路              the fourth ring road in Beijing

城市基础设施建设     the city's infrastructure construction

最后的投票              make the final vote

绿色奥运                 the Green Olympics

科技奥运                 the Scientific Games

节水龙头                 water-saving taps

再生纸                    recycled writing paper

废电池      &n