

时间:2022-02-06 19:19:39 专业词汇 我要投稿


Angles - the lines created to the pockets between balls

  角度 – 在球袋和球之间形成的线路 

  Break - a sequence of scoring shots - the number of points scored in one go

  一杆球 – 连续击球得分,即击打一杆后所得的总分 

  Backspin - the effect of striking the cue ball below centre

  缩杆 – 击打主球球心以下的位置后所产生的结果 

  Baulk Line - the line upon which the yellow, green and brown spots are positioned

  发球线 – 黄球、绿球和棕球置点之前的那道线 

  Break Off - the first shot of the match, played with the cue ball in the "D"

  开球 – 比赛中开出的第一杆,此杆要击打开球区中的主球 

  Bottle - the term given to a player’s ability to ①cope with pressure

  抗压力 – 用来形容选手承受压力能力的术语 

  Chalk - the substance used on the cue tip providing grip between the leather and the cue ball

  滑石粉 – 在球杆杆头使用的物质,其作用是加大皮头和主球之间的摩擦 

  Cue - wooden implement used for playing

  球杆 – 用于比赛的木制用具 

  Cue Ball - the "white" ball; the only ball struck with the cue

  主球 – “白”球;唯一可以用球杆击打的球 

  Cushion - rubber surrounds covered with baize

  台岸 – 外覆粗呢的橡胶边岸 

  "D" - the semi-circle on the baulk line from which all starting strokes must be played

  开球区 – 发球线上的半圆形区域,所有的开杆都必须在这一区域完成 

  Extension - fitted to the butt of the cue, providing additional cue length 

  加长杆 – 接在球杆杆尾,以便增加球杆长度