
Watch list 观察名单

时间:2022-02-06 19:10:41 专业词汇 我要投稿

Watch list 观察名单




观察名单: 受到证券交易所或经纪人事务所监视的股票名单,因为这些股票吸引了反常的大量交易,而且很有可能涉及违规操作。也指受全球性指数发布机构观察的国家名单,看它们是否有升级潜力,比如从新兴市场升级至发达市场。

Watch list: A list of stocks that are being monitored by an exchange or brokerage because they have attracted unusually heavy and possibly irregular trading. Also, a list of countries monitored by global index providers for potential upgrade to a different classification, rising for instance from emerging market to developed market status.

例证:中国大陆的A 股已被确认列入观察名单,可能收入富时全球股票指数系列。目前中国大陆的A 股还没有完全对外国投资开放。

EXAMPLE: China A-shares, still not fully open to foreign investment, were confirmed on the watch list for possible inclusion in the FTSE Global Equity Inde