

时间:2022-02-06 19:01:03 专业词汇 我要投稿


美国新国务卿赖斯在即将走马上任之时遇到了一点麻烦——50岁的她刚在华盛顿接受了子宫纤维瘤阻塞法手术。尽管这只是个小手术,但还是牵动了世界各国媒体的神经。据悉,赖斯现已回到白宫办公室正常上班。外电报道如下:National security adviser Condoleezza Rice returned home Saturday after a one-night hospital stay where she was treated for noncancerous growths in her uterus.

"She's out of the hospital and doing well," said White House spokesman Fred Jones.

Rice had uterine fibroid embolization at Georgetown University Hospital on Friday.

Uterus表示“子宫”,其形容词为uterine,例如:uterine contractions(子宫收缩)uterine cake(胎盘)。此外,uterine还有“同母异父的”的含义。例如:Is she your elder full sister or uterine sister? Neither, she is my consanguine sister.(她是你的亲姐姐,还是同母异父的姐姐?都不是,她是我同父异母的姐姐。)