

时间:2022-02-06 19:30:04 体育英语 我要投稿


It's been a busy week.



A: How are things, Neil?

A: 你好吗,尼尔?

B: I'm tired. It's been a busy week.

B: 我很累。这是繁忙的一周。

A: Maybe you should take it easy this weekend.

A: 也许你周末应该放松一下。

B: Yes, I think I will.

B: 是的,我想我会的。

A: A good rest, maybe take a little walk in the park around the lake.

A: 好好休息一下,也许在公园里绕着湖散散步。

B: Yes. And go to a good restaurant for dinner!



1. How are things is an informal way of saying How are you. You would use it informally with someone you know well. (怎么样)是(你好吗)的非正式说法。对你非常熟悉的人可以使用这种说法。

2. If you are tired, perhaps after a long hard day at work, you can say:I'm tired. 如果你累了,例如:做了一天的工作,你可以说:I'm tired (我累了)。