

时间:2022-02-06 16:54:26 英语词汇 我要投稿


  户主  head of a household  


  胡子工程  long-drawn-out project (a project which takes so long that young workers become bearded)  

  滑板车  scooter  

  华表  ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele  

  滑草  grass skating

  华盖  canopy  

  环境保护  protect the environment

  花旗银行  National City Bank of New York  

  花样游泳  water ballet  

  画中画  picture-in-picture (PIP)

  化妆晚会  mask party

  坏球  Ball  

  坏帐  bad account

  环保电池  environment-friendly battery;  

  环保型技术口  EST(Environmentally-sound technology)  

  换届  change personnel upon completion of a term of office

  换届选举  election at expiration of office terms

  环境绿化  environmental greening

  环境污染  environmental pollution

  环境效益   environmental benefits

  环幕电影  circular-screen movie  

  环绕立体声  surround  

  换手率  turnover rate  

  还俗  "resume secular life, unfrock"  

  环太平洋地区  Pacific Rim  

  换休  change the day off

  环保型汽车  environment-friendly car; eco-friendly car

  黄、赌、毒  "pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking "  

  黄昏恋  twilight romance; romance of the elderly

  (北爱尔兰)皇家警察部队  Royal Ulster Constabulary

  黄金时段  prime time  

  (吃)皇粮  "public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state "  

  (农产品国内支持)"黄箱"措施  Amber Box measures  

  黄金线路  hot travel route

  环太平洋  Pacific Rim

  挥棒  swing  

  挥棒不中  fan  

  徽标  emblem

  会标  association's emblem; organization's symbol

  汇丰银行  Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation  

  会考  unified examination; general examination

  回扣  sales commission; rebates; kickback

  灰领(源于美国,指负责维修电器、上下水道、机械的技术工人,他们多穿灰色的制服工作,因此得名。)  Gray-collar (Skilled technicians; employees whose job deions combine some white- and some blue-collar duties.)

  灰领工人  gray-collar workers

  回流移民  return