



  • 英语单词学堂 一分钟轻松记单词3.132021-11-02

    古代木雕草图 属雕刻craft(工艺) 先画个draft(草图) 残剩半边left(左边的) craft  n.工艺,手艺;船,航空器,航天器 spacecraft &n...

  • 英语单词学堂 一分钟轻松记单词3.102021-11-02

    湘军头目曾国藩多谋略 思考是智慧source(来源) 不和现实divorce(脱离) 所以富有resource(谋略) 爱吃酸辣sauce (调味汁) source / sC:s / n.源...

  • Money Idiom 成语-钱2021-10-30

    Money doesnt really grow on trees, does it? Neil: Hi, and welcome BBC Learning English. Im Neil. Y...

  • Cagey 回避2021-10-30

    Whats he being so cagey about? Jo: Hello, Im Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English....

  • 四胞胎:quadruplets2021-10-30

    美国马里兰州一女子在其32岁生日当天生下四胞胎男孩,较为罕见的是,这组四胞胎是由同卵三胞胎和另外一个胎儿组成的。 请看外电的报道: A mother has given birth to a ra...

  • You Can’t Have Your Cake, and Eat It 鱼和熊掌,不能兼得2021-10-30

    Dont we all want to have the cake and eat it? Diarmuid: Hi, and welcome to BBC Learning English. I’...

  • Palaver 繁琐;麻烦2021-10-30

    A lot of palaver has made her feel under stress Jo: Hello, Im Jo and youre listening to Real Englis...

  • Talking Idiom 有关“谈话” 的成语2021-10-30

    Its no good trying to talk to a wall - it doesnt answer Neil: Hi, and welcome to BBC Learning Engli...

  • Tongue-Tied 语塞2021-10-30

    Is she a bit tongue-tied? Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, Im Neil....

  • task (n.) 工作;苦差事2022-02-06

    task (n.)   工作;苦差事 I have a few tasks for you today. 我今天有一些差事要给你来做。...

  • souvenir (n.) 纪念品2022-02-06

    souvenir (n.) 纪念品 A: Your sister always sends you souvenirs from the places she visits. 你姐姐出去旅行,...

  • Red tape:繁文缛节2022-02-06

      Red tape,红色的带子?这有什么象征含义呢? 在很多国家的官方机构里,都不同程度地存在着一些“形式主义”和“繁文缛节”,在英语中有个有趣的说法“red tape”,反映的就是这...

  • Cold front2022-02-06

      最近两天,随着较强冷空气的逐渐逼近,北方大部分地区的温度急剧下降,让人们感到秋天的凉意浓浓。预计冷空气过后,明后天的最高气温在20℃左右,最低气温将降至8-6℃。请看报道: Resi...

  • flirt (v.) 调情2022-02-06

    flirt (v.) 调情 A: Does Brooke like you? 布鲁克喜欢你吗? B: I think so. Shes always flirting with me. 我...

  • booze (n.) (俚)酒2022-02-06

    booze (n.) (俚)酒 A: Where do you keep your booze? 你的酒都放在哪里? B: In the cabinet next to the refrig...

  • portable (a.) 手提的2022-02-06

    portable (a.) 手提的 A: Do you drink the water when you go hiking? 你去徒步旅行的时候会喝那里的水吗? B: I always t...

  • damaged (a.) 受损的2022-02-06

    damaged (a.) 受损的 A: Your hair is really damaged. 你的发质受损严重。 B: I know. I wash it too often. 我知道...

  • messy (a.) 一团混乱的2022-02-06

    messy (a.) 一团混乱的 A: Can you grab my calculator from my desk? 你能把我桌上的计算器拿给我吗? B: No way. Your de...

  • accidentally (adv.) 意外地2022-02-06

    accidentally (adv.) 意外地 A: Why did you hang up on me? 你干嘛挂我电话? B: Sorry, I accidentally hit the...

  • innocent (a.) 无辜的,天真的2022-02-06

    innocent (a.) 无辜的,天真的 A: Did you take my wallet? 你有拿我的皮夹吗? B: No, Im innocent. It wasnt me! 没有...

  • futuristic (a.) 具有未来感的2022-02-06

    futuristic (a.) 具有未来感的 A: I thought The Matrix was a cool movie. 我觉得《黑客帝国》这部片很酷。 B: It was so f...

  • yack (v.) 瞎扯,喋喋不休2022-02-06

    yack (v.) 瞎扯,喋喋不休 A: Did you speak to Vincent last night? 你昨晚有跟文森说话吗? B: How could I not? The g...

  • attitude (n.) 态度2022-02-06

    attitude (n.) 态度 A: I hate doing homework. 我恨死了做家庭作业。 B: You have a bad attitude. 你这种态度不好喔。...

  • cancel (v.) 取消2022-02-06

    cancel (v.) 取消 A: I need to call and cancel my class. 我得打电话去学校请假。 B: Why, do you have something...