

时间:2021-09-06 17:22:10 托福英语 我要投稿




  例题1(1997年8月考题)  An critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry's audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers _____.

  (A) that poetry is important today

  (B) for poetry to be important today

  (C) to be important poetry today

  (D) poetry that is important today.

  首先,分析句子结构。句子的主干是an critic(teacher, librarian or poet ) faces the difficult challenge。定语从句who hopes to broaden poetry's audience修饰句子的主语an critic, teacher, librarian, or poet;介词短语of persuading skeptical readers_____修饰名词词组the difficult challenge。空格内填入的既不是主句的主语,谓语,也不是主句的宾语,但它却是修饰宾语的定语。所以必须符合修饰的规则,在这里表现为符合动词persuade的用法。我们知道,persuade有三种用法:persuade sb to do sth(劝某人做某事),persuade sb of sth(劝某人相信某事)和persuade sb that从句(劝某人相信某事)。选项正好符合第三种用法,而且意思通顺。选项B和C虽然都带了介词to,但却不符合persuade sb to do sth的用法,因为其中的动词do sth必须是sb这个人所执行的动作。对于选项D,显然poetry that的顺序错了。如果将poetry that该成that poetry,就变成了选项A,即正确答案。

  例题2(1999年1月考题)  All eels spawn in the sea, the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____, feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels.

  (A) that drift about

  (B) drift about 

  (C) about drifting 

  (D) drift about them

  首先分析句子结构。All eels spawn in the sea是个完整的主谓结构。而其后的成分与这个主谓结构没有连词相连(4个选项都不含连词),所以后面都是修饰成分。其中的the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____应该是同位语,而feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels是larvae的伴随状语。所以,空格里填入的应该是修饰larvae的成分。4个选项中,A是以that引导的定语从句,它正好可以修饰名词larvae。选项B和D正好与larvae构成主谓结构,显然不符合空格。至于C,则纯粹是一个混淆选项。?

  例题3(1997年8月考题)  Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size.

  (A) were horsetail rushes

  (B) horsetail rushes

  (C) horsetail rushes were

  (D) and horsetail ru