cellfie 细胞拍

时间:2021-10-16 14:17:11 英语阅读 我要投稿

cellfie 细胞拍

It is the latest trend in baby pictures - an image on the day of conception.  “受孕一刻”成为宝宝照片的'新趋势。   So called 'cellfies' roll back the clock as far as it is possible - the point when you were little more than a twinkle in your mother's eye.  这种被称为“细胞拍”的照片使宝宝有了“初生一刻”时候的影像,这时宝宝在妈妈的眼里超级迷你。   IVF clinics - using a technique called Embryoscope - take images of fertilised embryos2.  试管婴儿诊所使用一种名为胚胎镜的技术,为受精的胚胎拍照。   They do this so they can select the healthiest embryo1 for transplantation.  他们这样做是为了挑选最健康的胚胎用于移植。   But parents will soon be able to request the images for their family albums - even though there is not much to see.  但父母们不久就可以要到这些照片,放进家庭相册,尽管根本看不到什么。

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