






  • 7个潮流俚语2021-08-15

    cancel 任何不喜欢的东西都可以用这个词回复   "Would you like vegetables with dinner?" "CANCEL!" “晚餐吃蔬菜怎么样?” “不好!”...

  • online information storage service 网络信息存储服务2021-08-01

    On Oct 23, the National Copyright Administration issued a new regulation on online information stora...

  • 属猴人的性格特征2021-07-29

    The leading characteristic that best describes the Monkey personality is a spirit of innovation, bes...

  • 属鸡人的性格特征2021-07-29

    Loyal and trustworthy, people born in the Year of the Rooster are sociable1, very accomplished2 and ...

  • 属狗人的性格特征2021-07-29

    Loyal, faithful, and true, people born in the Year of the Dog make the best of friends. As such, the...

  • 商场常用词2021-07-28

    elevator 升降电梯 mens clothing department 男装部 mannequin 人体模特 fitting room 试衣间 display counter 陈列柜 women...

  • 小卖部常用词2021-07-28

    bottled water 瓶装水 poster 海报 candy 糖果 pretzel 双圈饼干 cookie 曲奇饼 gum 口香糖 mustard 芥末 popsicle 棒冰 drumstic...

  • 教室常用词2021-07-28

    clock 钟 window 窗户 door 门 desk 桌子 flag 旗子 bookshelf 书架 pencil box 铅笔盒 pencil 铅笔 magnets 磁铁 white boar...

  • 后院常用词2021-07-28

    birdbath 水盆 tire swing 轮胎秋千 umbrella 伞 picnic table 野餐桌 barbeque grill 烤架 tree house 树屋 garden 花园 la...

  • 牙科诊所常用词2021-07-28

    x-ray machine x光机 Sink 水槽 overhead light 顶灯 towel 毛巾 Paper cup 纸杯 section hose 节管 Dental chair 牙科手术椅...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 中2021-07-24

    America Always: Wait for the host to sit down before you take your seat. Never: Blow on your food. &...

  • generation lap 代圈2021-07-12

    We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to m...

  • fakeation 假装度假2021-07-12

    Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but telling everyone youre away.  “假装度假”指明...

  • pwned 一败涂地2021-07-12

    "Pwned" means "to be utterly1 defeated by an opponent" or "to be defeated by a superior power". ...

  • flash play 闪玩2021-07-12

    Tweaking the idea of flash mob1 is flash play, this term means a form of trip in which people find c...

  • nano nap 打盹儿2021-07-12

    A nano nap is a period of sleep which lasts between 15 and 30 seconds. It is generally involuntary, ...

  • Thats the Office You Have Now2021-07-12

    When I started my current job, I was assigned to a cubicle1 with a five-foot-high partition. Promote...

  • 疑人偷斧2021-07-12

    Once upon a time, there was a villager who lost a hatchet1. He suspected that his neighbours son had...

  • 小儿辩日2021-07-12

    Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas. On the way he met two children arguing hotly...

  • 祀人忧天2021-07-12

    In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy1 all day long. He was afra...