Book2 教研课教案

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Book2 教研课教案

Unit10 It Is My Bedroom教学设计   一.Teaching Contents Analysis教学内容分析 学生在一年级的英语口语教材中已经接触和学习过有关房间的词句。教师在处理这些教学内容时要注意引导学生回忆并进行巩固旧知识,以便知识的循环再用,同时要注意帮助学生对所学知识进行深化,迁移,把这些教学内容的目标从听说提高到读写并最终达到灵活运用的程度。 二.Objectives:教学目标 1.Language knowledge语言知识: 1) 能听说读以下四会单词:draw, bedroom, door, window, of course, floor, wall ; 及三会词:ceiling, wardrobe, ha-ha 2)复习巩固并能在情景中较熟练运用句型: Do you have a … ? 及其回答:Yes , I do. /  No, I don’t. 句型 :Where is …?及其回答Here it is 。 3)理解,上口Do you have … ?句型的回答:  Yes, of course. 2.Language skill语言技能: 1) 能流利并准确的说出有关the settings in the bedroom的单词, 2) 理解且上口课文对话。 3) 初步学会在情景的`提示下用英语描述自己的卧室。My bedroom has …  3.Affect 情感态度 : 提高学生参与学习活动的兴趣和积极性,增强他们的学习自信心。 4.Learning Strategies学习策略: 培养学生把学习和生活紧密联系,把学习生活化。   三.Language Focused 教学重点Language difficult point 教学难点 1.新单词的上口,记忆。 2.主要句子的理解与应用。 3.课文的理解及上口。 4.wardrobe, of course, door的发音。 四.Teaching Aids/Media and Resource教学资源与媒体 自制课件, 单词图片,金太阳课件,及学生先画好的房间设计图等。 五.Teaching  Procedures教学过程 I. Warming up and Revision Activity 1: 1)Sing a song: This is my room 2)Sing a song: 改编歌曲 Do you have a bedroom ? bedroom, bedroom, Do you have a bedroom?  Yes, I do. II. Presentation and Practice   Activity 2:引出本节课的学习内容:Unit 10 It is My bedroom. T: I have a bedroom too.  Look, it is my bedroom. It’s small. Boys and girls, today we’re going to learn Unit10It Is My Bedroom. Now show me your bedrooms, and say after me.   Activity 3:Learn the words.( the settings in the bedroom ) 1.承接上个环节,呈现房间图片学习单词.首先学习单词:door, floor, wall, ceiling. 然后学习单词:window ,wardrobe(在这个环节中同时使用句型: What is that/this ?  It’s my … )   2.操练单词。 A: Say out the words.对比学习记忆单词。 B: Listen and touch.(在这个游戏中渗入句型: Where is the… ? 及其回答: Here it is ! C: What’s missing ? (房间的物品逐一消失,自然过渡到下个环节。) Activity 4:Sentence-Practice 重新设计房间。呈现一幅空房间图。 T: Oh, my bedroom is too small. I want a new bedroom. Boys and girls, can you guess what’s in my new bedroom ? 1)利用句型Do you have a/any …?猜测老师新的房间里有哪些物品。(在此处,老师回答引出并学习:Yes, of course. ) 2) 学生利用自己的房间图操练句型:Do you have a/any… ? 及其回答:Yes, I do. / Yes, of course. /No, I don’t. III. Development Activity 5: Learn the dialogue. 1)引入课文。 T: Boys and girls, I have a bedroom, you all have a bedroom, and our friend Chen Jiamin has a bedroom too. Let’s see what’s in Jiamin’s bedroom. 2)Listen to the Kingsun 3)Listen and watch the video again and say T or F What’s in Jiamin’s bedroom? Jiamin’s room has a …。 4)Read the dialogue after the teacher. 5)Read the dialogue together. 6)Practice the dialogue in groups and try to act out the dialogue. 7)Listen to the dialogue, try to fill in the blanks.  (根据提示词完成课文填空)   8)Make sentences according to the dialogue   IV. Conclusion & Homework Activity6:Homework 1.抄写新单词并家听。 2.听读背课文对话。 3.在房间图上写明各物品英文单词。   六.Designing on the board 板书  Unit 10 It Is My Bedroom bedroom Where’s the …? door   Here it is. floor  ceiling  Do you have a… ? wall Yes, of course. wardrobe window    

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