9A Reading 1教案

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9A Reading 1教案

9A Reading 1教案 教学目标 1.  多角度训练阅读技能。 2.  使学生体会如何表达自己的烦恼以获得帮助 教学内容 四会内容   词汇:choice    complete  refuse   accept  hardly spare  ping-pong doubt  whether    worth offer suggestion value  plenty allow    strict  achieve  task either    词组:deal with    stay up late hand in  on time   be of great value  hear from   plenty of  be crazy about stay out late  allow…  to do …  from time to time achieve a balance 句型: 1. I don now know how to deal with it. 2.  I have no choice but to do it. 3. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. 4. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. 5. Can you offer me some suggestions? 6. They will be of great value to me. 7. However, my love of football has become a big problem now. We like staying out late to play football.   8. My parents do not allow me to play outside. 9.I really do not under stand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry form time to time. 10.I wish I could have my parents’ suport. 教学准备 1. 投影仪;PPT 2. 录音机 教学过程 step1:导入 老师说:I know from last class that you have a lot of problems. (老师用自己创设的情景单词导入 choice  stay up late  complete spare doubt strict  并进行板书)Then ,what can we do to feel better if we have any problems.  这里学生只要能说出写信给别人就可以了,老师可以借机导入 offer  suggestions。  对于书后练习B中有的.单词进行弥散式导入,也就是在遇到该单词的时候就让学生去猜,翻到46页去选一下。 Step2 呈现 1. 老师说:I think writing letters is a good way. So, today I will show you two letters. First, please read Millie’s letter to Sigmund. And answer the following questions. 1) What Millie’s problem is? 2) What she wants Sigmund to do? 学生略读给出答案 3. 老师说:I have some sentences here about Millie. But, some of them are wrong. Can you read Millie’s letter again and do True or False? 学生跳读给出答案,可以个学生读一遍,另外一个学生报答案。对于正确的答案老师可适当引导出更多信息点,也可以引导同学们猜一些单词。来完成书后B 部分。Millie 文章中生词多,如果采用问题方式来完成细节回答,在单词没有完全处理的情况下,学生困难很大; 在对错选择中,如果是生词造成的错选,就放着一会再解决 4. 老师说:We have known the problem of Millie. Let’s meet another poor boy. Please read Simon’s letter and complete the following questions.   1. What Simon’s problem is? 2. What he wants Sigmund to do? 5.  老师说:I want to know more details about Simon. Please read his letter again and help me give the answer. What does he want to be? How long does he often play football? Why does he get into trouble? What does he think about his hobby? 5. He doesn’t know what _____ ______ and how ____ ________a balance between study and hobbies. 6. He wishes Sigmund ____ ____ him some suggestions.   这些答句和问句要充分考虑不定式式的比重。这里的一个阅读填空也是想锻炼同学们的阅读能力。 6. 老师说:Boys and girls, we can see that they all expressed their ideas clearly。 How many parts do they have in their letters?What’s their use? 同学们看书给出答案,老师在多媒体上集体对答案。 7. 学生跟老师读黑板上的单词并跟录音朗读课文。 Step 3 活动 老师指导同学们完游戏。  Rules: One student read a sentence about Simon or Millie’s problem, the other guesses whose problem it is and give some advice to him or her. One must read to the other’s back. We’ll call some students to the front. 这一步只要有两个目的:1. 会读书中的一些句子。2. 对提建议有一个初步概念。 家庭作业 Read the text Remember the new words Finish two reading passages    

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