
时间:2021-12-16 20:07:39 教案 我要投稿


http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e276d2c0100k54l.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e276d2c0100k4x2.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e276d2c0100k4x5.html http://cn.mg20.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?rand=427164548 The usage of worry. worry /wri/ n. 烦恼,担心,忧虑 vt. 使烦恼,使焦虑,撕咬 vi. 担心,发愁 Worry is used as a vi. meaning 担心,发愁. When it has an object, it is always following by the preposition about, occosionally by the preposition over. I should worry! 我才不在乎呢! Dont worry, youll soon have your work over. 别担心,你的`事情很快就能做完。 Dont worry. Well find a way. 别着急,我们会想出办法的。 I find the situation very worrying. 我觉得形势很令人担忧。 Dont worry about it. 别担心。 Theres nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。 Oh, I wouldnt worry about that. 哦,我才不信呢。 Dont worry about the printing; thats my parish. 别担心打印的事,那是我的工作范围。 Im worrying about her health. 我担心她的健康。 Dont worry about little things. 别为琐事烦恼。 Dont worry over trifles. 不要为小事着急。 Worry is used as a vt. meaning 使烦恼,使焦虑,撕咬. It is followed directly by objects, needing no preposition at all. Dont worry her; she is busy. 别去烦她,她很忙。 Kings and bears oft worry keepers. 国王和熊,常使守护人忧心忡忡。 The news wont worry her, I reckon. 我看这消息不会使她不安。 His criticism doesnt worry me. 他的批评不会使我不安。 The dog was worrying a rat. 那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠。 Worry can also used as a noun, meaning 烦恼,担心,忧虑. Worry aged him rapidly. Worry and illness had made him prematurely old. 他心事重重、 疾病缠身,落得个未老先衰。 Worry about the business has turned her into a nervous wreck. 她生意上的烦恼事把她愁得不成人样了。 She was frantic with worry. 她愁得要命。  









