三年级第四周第一课时教案 3月15日 星期二

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三年级第四周第一课时教案 3月15日 星期二

unit 2 第五课时 教学内容:Part B  Let’s learn and Let’s chant    Part C  Culture 教学目标: 知识与能力: 1.学习单词sister, brother要求学生能听、说、认读。 2.复习巩固感叹词“Wow!”和学习句子“What a big fish!” 3.能有节奏地唱歌谣,复习巩固本课所学单词。 4.对中西餐饮食习惯和chopsticks, fork, knife三个单词有初步的`认识。 过程与方法:教师提问和学生讨论相结合的方法授课。 情感态度价值观:对中西餐饮食习惯和chopsticks, fork, knife三个单词有初步的认识 教学重点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!” 教学难点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!” 教具准备:挂图,照片,课件 教学过程: 一.Warm-up. 1.Sing the song “Father and Mother” 2.Everyday practice. 3.Show a picture and ask: T: Do you know who he is ?Ask me please. Come on !Who can try? A: Who’s that man? T: Guess. A: Is he your dad/friend…? T: No, he’s my grandpa. practise: Is she/he your...? Yes, she/he is. 二.Presentation 1.Listen and read: Part B Let’s talk Act it. 2.Look at the photo: This is my family. Then lead out: This is my sister. This is my brother. Teaching the words:“sister” and“brother” 3.Ask and answer: T: Who’s that woman/girl/boy? A: She’s my mom/sister. He’s my brother. 4.Teaching the sentence:“Wow!  What a big fish!” 三.Practice 1.Read the words of family tree. 2.Game: Let’s practice 3.Find out the right words and right photos 4.Let’s chant Mother and father Help each other. Brother and sister Play together.  四.Culture My father is from China. He uses chopsticks. My mother is from Canada. She uses a fork and knife. I can use them all.  五.Assessment Activity book P11  

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