  • 广告的利弊英语小对话

    A:hi,Needle, what happened? why are you unhappy?B: Hi, Jeannie, i want to watch tv, but there are so many advertisements that i just can't stand itA: ...

  • 职场英语动物对话

    以下是小编搜集的职场英语动物对话,欢迎阅读。Brian:If you could be any animal, what would you choose?如果你可以变成任何动物,你会选择什么?Laura:Do you mean what is my favorite animal?你是说我最喜欢的...

  • 职场调职英语对话

    下面是小编为大家提供的职场调职英语对话,一起来看看吧。我被调到财务部去了May:Hi, Harry. Where are you going?嗨,哈利。去哪儿?Harry:I've been transferred to the financial department.我调到财务部去了。May:W...

  • 职场常用英语对话

    职场中我们时常会用到相关的英语对话,各位,看看下面的常用英语对话,一起学习吧!职场常用英语对话1Hello, my name is Lu Yuan. I'm Mr. Xie's secretary.你好,我叫陆媛,是谢总的秘书。Edward:OK, thank you.好的,谢谢。Lu Yuan:N...

  • 趣味英语对话

    A小明上英文课时跟老师说:may i go to the toilet? 老师说:go ahead. 小明就坐了下来。过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:may i go to the toilet? 老师说:go ahead. 小明又坐了下来。他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?...

  • 职场英语话题对话

    以下是小编整理的职场英语话题对话,快来看看吧。女孩身高话题Tim:Do you prefer tall girls or short ones?你喜欢个儿高的女孩还是矮一点儿的?Maria:I don't mind, but I like girls with long hair.个头没关系,不过我...

  • 职场英语日常对话

    以下是CN人才网小编为大家分享的职场英语日常对话,一起来看看吧。化解同事矛盾的英语对话a: sam, you’ve got to forgive me.山姆,你得原谅我。b: forgive you for what?原谅你什么?a: i used your computer. and i’m af...

  • 职场生病英语对话

    下面是小编分享的职场生病英语对话,欢迎阅读。你这个周末可要好好休息一下William:Oh you look awful! What’s the matter?啊呀,你的气色看上去很差,怎么了?Susan:Tom: Oh! I feel really under the weather. I’ve ...

  • 利弊英语对话

    A:What do you think of advertisements?B:Well, there are both advantages and disadvantages.A:I gueyou are right. But sometimes they are really annoying...

  • 职场被解雇英语对话

    如果你被解雇了,你会如何与朋友谈起?来看看下面这段关于被解雇的英语对话吧!A:How was your day?你今天过得怎么样?B:Let’s start with you. How was yours?你先说吧,你怎么样?A:It was really busy. I had to work s...

  • 职场实习英语对话

    下面是小编给大家分享的职场实习英语对话,一起来看看吧。能不能在这儿实习Laura:I'm a student at Peking University. I was wondering whether I could be an intern here.我是北大的学生。我想知道能不能在这儿实习。La...

  • 职场英语常用对话

    下面是CN人才网小编给大家整理的职场英语常用对话,欢迎浏览。会话--提醒同事忘了你交待的事情?有必要提醒他一下了。怎么提醒好呢?看看下面的对话吧。a: terry? i need the file you took yesterday.特里,我要用你昨天拿走的文件。b: i'm sorry, jan...

  • 英语六级听力小对话练习题含答案

    1.Q: What do we learn about the woman?A) She cannot stand her boss s bad temper.B) She has often been criticized by her boss.C) She has made up her mi...

  • 有关英语六级听力小对话练习题

    15.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?A) Change to a more exciting channel.B) See the movie some other time.C) Go to bed early.D) Stay up till ...

  • 外贸送客英语对话

    以下是小编搜集分享的外贸送客英语对话,快来看看吧。A: We have been here for about five days and I have to leave now.A:我们已经在这里五天了,必须得走了。B: Ok! You know you're always welcome her...

  • 商务开辟市场英语对话

    以下是小编整理的商务开辟市场英语对话,快来看看吧。开辟市场英语对话童先生:what should i do if i want to open up a new market in south africa?布莱克先生:before you implement your plans,you must...

  • 商务交际相识英语对话

    下面是小编分享的商务交际相识英语对话,快来看看吧。语言知识Listen to these questions. In each case, try to answer the question and then make a comment or add some more information....

  • 职场运动赛事英语对话

    下面是一篇职场运动赛事英语对话,一起来学一学吧。Conversation 1对话一Fred: David, do you think which team will get the champion tonight?佛瑞德:大卫,你认为今晚哪一队会贏得冠军呢?David: It is hard to...

  • 外贸投标英语对话

    小编分享了一篇外贸投标英语对话,快来了解一下吧。A, This is our Submission of Tender which includes the information about volume of the project the cost is so on.A:这是我们公司的投标书,...

  • 职场升职疑问英语对话

    以下是一篇有关职场升职疑问英语对话,快来看看吧。Linda:Boss, do you have a minute?老板,有时间吗?Boss:Sure. What's up?当然。什么事?Linda:After working here for 5 years already, I've notice...

  • 春节习俗英语对话

    2014 Spring Festival falls on January 31. The holiday in China starts from January 31 to February 6, 2014. It is the Year of the Horse according to Ch...

  • 外贸入住英语对话

    以下是小编为大家整理的外贸入住英语对话,欢迎阅读。A;Your room is facing the sea. lt's very beautiful. I hope you will like it.A:您的房间正好面对大海,非常美丽,我希望您会喜欢。B: Yes,l will. The room...

  • 办公室英语对话

    下面是CN人才网小编整理的5则办公室英语对话,欢迎阅读! 一A: Hello. I need to speak with Allan Cartwright.B: This is he. May I help you?A: I certainly hope so, I am about ...

  • 职场英语着装问题对话

    这是CN人才网小编提供的职场英语着装问题对话,快来看看吧。两位公司同事Kara和Betty在讨论公司的着装改动问题。Kara: Good morning, Betty. The coffee's fresh. Would you like a cup?早呀,Betty, 刚煮好的咖啡,来一杯吗?Be...