
时间:2021-06-29 12:13:30 考研英语 我要投稿
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参考了牛津Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edition),剑桥Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary,朗文NEWUPDATED - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online,韦氏Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 等词典最新版的



201. in depth idm (=in a detailed and thorough)ad.全面,深入,详细

202. go into detail(s) phr v (=to explain sth fully)v.详细叙述,逐一说明

203. in detail idm (=with all the particulars)ad.具体地,详细地

204. die away phr v (=if sound, wind, or light dies away, it becomes gradually weaker until you

cannot hear, feel, or see it)v.(声音、风、光等)逐渐变弱

205. die down phr v (=if something dies down, it becomes gradually less strong, loud,

noticeable or violent)v.(某事物的程度)逐渐地减弱

206. die out phr v (=to disappear or stop existing completely)v.逐渐消失,灭绝

207. go/be on a diet idm (=to take a limited range and amount of food that you eat when you

want to get thinner)v.节食

208. at sb's disposal idm (=available for use as you prefer/as prefers)prep.任(某人)处理,由


209. in dispute idm (=if something is in dispute, people are arguing about it)ad.在争论中,正


210. out of doors idm (=outside [= outdoors])ad.户外,在户外