
毕业论文-论王熙凤的管理艺术 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-论王熙凤的管理艺术 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-论王熙凤的管理艺术 - 语言文学论文





In the "A Dream of Red Mansions" depicting various images, Wangxifeng management is the art of debate topic. The proposed management technique for Wangxifeng should add analysis. Wangxifeng government from the five major drawbacks that Ningguo and taken a series of measures, we can see some noteworthy management Road. However, in light of the actual situation in todays society, a careful analysis, we can discover that its management shortcomings exist following : management measures limitations; Management authority dependence; Own quality management deficiencies. Therefore, the management technique we should Wangxifeng rational treatment, or summarized from the experience.

Key words: Wang Xifeng; manages the artistic; Gain and loss