
时间:2021-12-16 10:45:24 读后感 我要投稿


2009年10月27日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 是的,我确实喜欢他的写作方式。他好像在面对面给你讲故事一样。他的书很容易读懂。我最喜欢他那本《世界上最愚蠢的盗贼》。 现在我在读《帕特里克的日记》。 这是本极其悲惨的书,里边有很多的死亡和受伤。两天之内,排里一半的士兵被北越军打死了。 罗特格回来了。他是帕特里克班里的老战友。当他被子弹射中两次后,每个人都以为他死了。现在大家放心了。 我无法相信两个月里能死那么多人。从帕特里克来到班里以来,班里只剩下四个人了(包括他), 其他人不是死了,就是被送去了医院。 结尾非常悲伤。帕特里克曾呆过的地方被北越军队的火箭弹炸了。帕特里克最好的朋友死了。他的另一个朋友,教授,失去了双腿,眼睛也瞎了。帕特里克也受了重伤,被送回家。他非常伤心痛苦。 您的学生, 冰 *** 2009年11月2日 亲爱的冰, 越南战争1959年爆发,,到1975年才结束!我们,和其他反对共产主义的国家, 跟越共和北越打仗。我们进入战争的目的是为了防止共产党侵占南越。 共有约六万名美国士兵死于越战,相当于我们市的总人口。 读到帕特里克的`很多战友不是死亡就是受伤,我并不感到吃惊。很多士兵只能坐轮椅回家,因为他们的双腿被锯掉了。还有的眼睛瞎了,或失去了听力。这些士兵经历了很多极端恐怖和可怕的事,终身无法忘怀。 三百到四百万的越南人死于越战。美国士兵为了赢得胜利,一进入村庄就不加区分地扫射,无辜的百姓因此失去生命。 帕特里克是自愿参军的还是被征兵的?大多数战士是被征兵进入军队,被迫去打仗。帕特里克认为美国进入越战帮助南越人民的做法是对的吗? 这里很多人不这样认为。   真诚的,   爱玛老师 *** 10/27/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, Yes, I do like his style of writing.  It’s written so that it actually sounds like someone is telling the story in his own words. It is very easy to understand his books.  My favorite book by him is The World’s Dumbest Crooks. Right now, I am reading The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty. The book is tragic with lots of deaths and injuries. About half he whole platoon died against the NVA in two days. Rotgut, one of the original guys in Patrick’s squad, just came back.  Everybody had thought he was dead when he was shot two times.  Everybody was relieved. I can’t believe how many people died in two months.  Only four of the squad members since Patrick came (including Patrick) are still in the squad.  The others are either dead, or in the hospital. The ending was really sad.  The place where Patrick had been was bombed by NVA rockets.  Patrick’s best friend Bebop died.  Another one of his friends, the Professor, lost both his legs, and he was blinded.  Patrick had a really serious injury too, so they sent him home.  He was very sad.   Your student,                   Ben *** 11/2/2009 Dear Ben, The Vietnam War was a military conflict that started in 1959 and ended in 1975!  We, and other anti-communist countries, were fighting the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese.  We started fighting in this war to prevent the communist from taking over S. Vietnam. About 60,000 US soldiers died.  That’s about the size of our city.  I was not surprised to read that many of Patrick’s squad members were dead or injured.  Many soldiers came home in wheelchairs, with limbs amputated, blind, or without their hearing.  These soldiers saw horrible, horrible things that they could never forget. 3-4 million Vietnamese died.  The U.S. soldiers went into villages and just shot everyone (innocent people) while they were looking for the victory. Did Patrick enlist (volunteer) in the war or was he drafted?  Most people were drafted and forced to fight.  Did Patrick believe the United States was right to go in and help the S. Vietnamese people?  Many people here did not.   Sincerely,   Ms. Emma  








美国小学生的读后感 - 前言03-12

