
时间:2021-12-16 10:40:43 读后感 我要投稿


2010年3月16日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 威尔认识到“三脚人”在夺走他们的自由,把他们变成奴隶。他还发现他可以打败“三脚人”,为人类把自由夺回来。 我现在在读《阿尔弗德:所罗门的封印》。 书里有一个神秘的组织,叫“OIPEP”, 它使用许许多多的代号。比如,每个人都知道他们的.敌人马克-阿诺德的名字,但仍然叫他“鬣狗”。 我现在在读《金和铅的城市》,这是《白山》的续集。在《白山》里,威尔,亨利和毕珀从英格兰向南到法国,在白山里藏身。 我很好奇那里是不是真有那么一个山脉。 我现在在读《内心的火焰》。这是克里斯-德兰西写的“最后一条龙的传奇”丛书中的第一本书。描写一群陶土制的龙变成活龙的故事。 真诚的, 冰 *** 2010年3月22日 亲爱的冰, 法国有一座山叫布兰克山,被称作“白山”。它高15782英尺,是西欧最大的山。1929年的第一届冬季奥林匹克运动会就在这座山附近的查莫尼克斯镇举办。 《金和铅的城市》像《白山》一样好看吗? 他们三人在法国过得怎么样? 在《内心的火焰》里,土龙怎么会变活的?为什么?   真诚的,   爱玛老师 *** 3/16/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, Will realized that the Tripods were taking away freedom and basically enslaving them.  I also think he realized that he could, actually, defeat the Tripods and bring freedom back to humans. I am reading Alfred Kropp: The Seal of Solomon. There is a secret organization called OIPEP, and it uses tons of code names.  Like their enemy Mike Arnold, everybody knows his name but still calls him the “Hyena”. I am reading The City of Gold and Lead, the sequel to The White Mountains.  In The White Mountains, Will, Henry, and Beanpole travel south from England to France and take refuge in the White Mountains.  I wonder if there is actually a real mountain range there. I am reading The Fire Within.  It is the first book in the Last Dragon Chronicles, by Chris d’Lacey.  It is about a bunch of clay dragons coming to life.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 3/22/2010 Dear Ben, There is a mountain in France called Mont Blanc, which means “White Mountain”.  It is 15,782 feet and is the largest mountain in Western Europe.  The first winter Olympics were held in the town of Chamonix (near the mountain) in 1929. Is City of Gold and Lead as good as The White Mountains?  What was life like for the three of them in France? Can you explain how and why the clay dragons come to life in The Fire Within?   Sincerely,   Ms. Emma


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