
时间:2023-06-06 07:02:03 关于作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  england is a nation in northwest europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the united kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of england occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of great britain and shares land borders with scotland to the north and wales to the west. elsewhere, it is bordered by the north sea, irish sea, atlantic ocean, and english channel.

  england was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the angles — one of a number of germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. the capital city of england is london, which is the largest city in the british isles, capital of the united kingdom and one of the world's global cities.

  england ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is the place of origin of both the english language and the church of england, was the historic centre of the british empire, and the birthplace of the industrial revolution.

  the kingdom of england was an independent state until 1 may 1707, when the acts of union resulted in a political union with the kingdom of scotland to create the kingdom of great britain.

  england's national day is st george's day (saint george being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 april.

英文作文 篇2

  Living in the concrete jungle, we have to admit that our busy. extravagant lives are corroding our souls little by little. Only by being close to nature can we recover our vitality and go back our true selves.

  Breathing in fresh air, smelling the fragrance of flowers and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can release our tensions and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can our tensions and cleanse our minds of the tiresome things around us.

  Form the journey of water, we can understand the circle of life. Also, we can learn to be kind people from the peace of mountains. We can learn a lot as we enjoy the cozy atmosphere of nature. We may consider nature as a great book, and noting in the can delight us as much as it!

英文作文 篇3

  Just as is revealed in the picture above, the young, nowadays, just like the boy in the drawing, are prone to reach for what is beyond their grasp, but ignore the significance of doing something trivial and simple before accomplishing great feats,从小事做起英文作文。

  There is no doubt that the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration. As we all know, a man who does not sweep a room, doesn't mention to sweep the world. In other words, the foundations of a building must be strong, or else the whole structure will fall down someday. Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in doing every tiny thing well around you。

  As the saying goes, “the highest eminence is to be gained step by step。” To achieve the goal, not merely do we need ambition; we also need to realize the importance of dealing with triviality from the beginning. Only in this way can we get on the way to success down to earth。

英文作文 篇4

  To this day, the 1911 Revolution coincided with the 100th anniversary period. Director Zhang Li joined hands with Jackie Chan, a star of Kung Fu, and Winston Chao, an actor of the same generation, to create the film "the revolution of 1911", which gave viewers a taste of the hardships of revolution from the screen. At the very beginning, the film was taken from the real photos left in the revolution of 1911. Then, in 1911 April 26th, Prime Minister Sun Wen of the Chinese league made overseas donations in San Francisco. At the same time, the alliance member Huang Xing led Lin Juemin, Yu Peilun, Lin Shishuang revolutionaries armed attack Viceroy Department launched with vigour and vitality of the Guangzhou uprising. The gunfire rang out and the fire burned, and countless revolutionary martyrs treated their young life as a rotten china". Finally, because of the revolutionary army and hopelessly outnumbered lost, Lin Juemin and a large number of the backbone of revolutionary heroic sacrifice, Huang Xing was badly wounded. Xu Zonghan risked his life to close the remains of 72 martyrs buried, buried outside Guangzhou huanghuagang. The same year, the rise of protection movement in Sichuan, Hubei new army was urgently transferred to quell. In Wuchang, the new revolutionary party list leaked, Viceroy Rui Cheng began to list the revolutionary party killed one by one, the revolutionary situation is very critical, revolutionary party Xiong Bingkun, Jin Zhaolong angrily fired the first shot of the revolution. After a night of fighting, the Wuchang uprising revolutionary army captured the governor, Li Yuanhong was the Revolutionary Army soldiers emergency push for the junta captaincy. The success of the Wuchang uprising, shocked, misty rain had to ask Yuan Shikai out of the Qing Dynasty, the northern army to suppress the revolution rate. On the one hand, Yuan Shikai suppressed the revolutionary army, on the other hand, he tried to secretly convey the wish of the revolutionary party through the revolutionary party Wang Jingwei in the game of the parties. The crisis of the revolution, Sun Wen went overseas, against all the odds, eventually convince Western nations no longer borrow loans to support the consortium. After that, Yuan Shikai went south. In the summer and the summer, the battle was unusually fierce, and Huang Xing and Li Yuanhong were hard to support. Under the attack of various reactionary forces, Huang Xing resolutely decided to withdraw to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and gather forces to make great progress. Since then, the revolutionary situation entered the North South confrontation, after various efforts, North and South on behalf of Tang Shaoyi and Wu Tingfang finally sat down to talk, the two sides finally reached a consensus to support the establishment of a republic; after eighteen, on behalf of the open democratic elections, Sunwen was elected as the first president. Then, Yuan Shikai urged the Qing emperor to abdicate and take over as president of the Republic of china. Although, in the 1911 Revolution, most people deeply regret is the fruits of the revolution was stolen by Yuan Shikai, but republicanism is deeply embedded in the hearts of the people China.

英文作文 篇5

  Everything on the canvas is flowing, enthusiastic, lively and violent: the sky was occupied with swirling clouds in violet haze and dotted with tens of thousands of flaming stars that brightly blazed in gorgeous gold. A huge cypress cut the subtle flowing of clouds in silence, brown and stretched, bringing a unique elegance of balance to the whole painting. Few clumsy cabins scattered in the open field, strangely in harmony with the turbulently flowing sky. Hazily, the shadows on the hills outlined the turquoise trees and amber grains, bathed in dim moonlight.

  Generally, the perfect artworks born under Vincent van Gogh’s hand annotated a new meaning of harmony. Its pureness was based on its complexity, its grace reflected by its clumsiness, its plainness embodied in its glory, its tempestuous flowing leading to a sense of solidity. Marvelous!

  Starry Starry Night, a magnificent masterpiece, surely and absolutely.


  本文以优美的语言描写了梵高的名画——Starry Starry Night,表现了作者良好的语言表达能力和一定的艺术鉴赏水准。作者为我们展开了一幅画卷,文章的第一句话点明了整幅画的特点:Everythlne on the canvas is flowine。天空中布满了紫色的云彩和金色的闪烁星星。一棵巨大的树将浮动的'云一分为二,使整个画面处于平衡状态。空地上分散的几间小屋与浮云流动的天空保持着奇怪的和谐。山坡上的影子勾勒出青葱的树木,琥珀色的谷物沐浴在月光下。












