
时间:2021-05-07 12:26:05 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Say No to Pirated Products

  There is no denying the fact that piracy is a grave problem with which we are confronted. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. In many places we see people peddling pirated books or disks.

  A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the most critical ones. First, pirated products are much cheaper than copyrighted ones, so they are very attractive to people, especially youngsters, who are not financially well-off. Secondly, with highly developed technology, it is not difficult to manufacture pirated products. With one authorized copy, the illegal producers can make thousands of fake ones at a very low cost, thus making huge profits.

  As a result, intellectual property rights are severely infringed upon. Honest producers will lose the motivation to develop new products. Meanwhile, pirated products are often of low quality, thus damaging the interest of buyers.

  In view of the seriousness of the problem, it is essential that laws and regulations be formulated and enforced to ban the manufacture and circulation of pirated products. Meanwhile, people should be educated to say no to these products. With these measures taken, we have reasons to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future.

学英语作文 篇2

  I’m Jiang Yiyuan. I’m going to have a happy weekend, it is busy.

  On Saturday, I’m going to have an art class by bus, because that place is near the west lake. I’m going to study sketching and Chinese painting. Then, I’m going to go home and have dinner.

  On Sunday, I’m going to the cinema with my friends. We’re going after breakfast. Then we’re going to the restranrt to have a good meal. Then, in the afternoon I’m going to do homework till night.

  That will be rich weekend!

学英语作文 篇3

  一、 教学内容



  字数要求:5 -10句话50词左右。











  1. 学会用英语表达自己的身边事物,用英语介绍朋友家人的基本情况。

  2. 使段落和句子前后连贯,相互呼应,有一定的逻辑性。






  Step 1. Lead-in

  T: Is it difficult, to write something about you family?

  S: Yes.

  T: Is it difficult to say something about you family?

  S:No .

  T : Who can tell us something about your family ?

  S:Me.(Put up their hands.)

  Step 2. Talk about this family with all the students in our class .

  My family

  There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother ,my father,my mother,my sister and I.My grandmother is old .She is 68.My father is an engineer,he is 40 years old .He likes listening to music and dancing.My mother is a housewife.She likes knitting sweaters.My sister is a student.She likes eating.I am a student ,too.I like reading books and playing violin(小提琴).This is my family.I love family.

  Get the students to answer the questions:

  1. How many people are there in “my” family?

  2. What are they doing?

  3. How old are they ?

  4. What do they like to do?

  Step 3. Decide on the outline of this writing.

  Talk . 通过这篇小短文讨论小作文的基本架构,一般有几方面的介绍。

  Step 4. Use your own words to say these questions of your family:

  1.Tell us these four questions in your real life.

  1) How many people are there in your family?

  2) What are they doing?

  3) How old are they ?

  4) What do they like to do?

  2.Talk about your family with your partner .

  3.Then write them down on your notebooks.

  Step 5.Avoid writing Chinese-English.

  Let the students read their writings,and find out some Chinese-English sentences and correct them.Talk with them .

  Step 6. Practice

  I love my family

  I have a big family. My family has eleven members. The woman in red T-shirt is my mother, she works in a factory. She likes music, she’s quiet. Near my mother is my father, he is a great doctor. He is very busy everyday. He loves English very much. The man in black T-shirt is my uncle, he is strong. He likes sports. Who is next to my uncle? She is my aunt. She is a teacher. My grandmother and grandfather look young. They are farmers. They like flowers. In front of my grandmother is my sister. She is 7 years old. She likes computer. My baby sister is one years old. She has two big eyes and a small nose. But she is not in the photo. In the middle is grand father’s father. He is 95 years old, but he is very strong. What about me? My name is Sally. I study in Nan Da school. I like playing piano very much. Look, This is my happy family!

  I love my family!

  Ask the students to write down the outline according to the following:


  Main things:


  Step 7.Homework: Hand in .交上一篇自己修改好的短文。





学英语作文 篇4

  Nowadays, there is a growing popularity of Internet surfing on college campus. An increasing number of students, majoring either in science or engineering or in liberal arts, spend many hours surfing the Internet with keen interest everyday.

  Internet surfing has attracted college students like magnets because it is the world of Internet and the world of globalization. First, with the global coverage of Internet, we can reach out and touch anyone at any place of the world. Via Internet,we can send and receive E-mails at any time much faster, cheaper and more effective than conventional means such as telephone, telex and fax. Next,via access to the home pages of libraries, universities, journals and news agencies, and research organizations, we can easily acquire all kinds of information, to know what is going on all over the world. Finally, by clicking the mouse, we are capable of doing such important things as shopping, finding jobs, making friends, down-loading files and programs, doing business, publishing papers and freely airing our opinions on all sorts of interesting issues. What is more, Internet offers many opportunities. For example, we can work, educate ourselves and communicate with others at home via Internet.

  In the Information Age, it is difficuh to imagine modern life without Internet. With the rapid development of Information Technology industry, successful dot-com companies mushroomed everywhere. Internet is revolutionizing our economy, our society and our life.




学英语作文 篇5

  It is a common phenomenon that a great number of people are tending to keep pets at home. People worry whether keeping pets at home are good for people. Some people say that pets can bring us happiness and help us in some special cases. However, some people believe that keeping pet is a waste of time and money. As for me, I think pets bring us happiness. Reasons are listed below.


  First of all, we won’t feel so lonely if we keep pets. For most people, they are working outside while they don’t have any companions by their side. Hence, if they raise pets, then they can play with pets rather than stay alone. Besides, most people deem pets as their best friends. When people feel depressed, then they can talk to their pets to relieve themselves.


  Secondly, pets can help us in some special cases. You can ask your pets to do certain things for you to some extent. For example, we have many trained dogs that can guide the blind people to anywhere they want as if those dogs are their eyes.


  All in all, keeping pets at home benefits us a lot. When we are depressed, pets can make us happy. What’s more, pets can help us in certain situations.


学英语作文 篇6

  to love you is to daydream of you often, think of you so much, speak of you proudly, and miss you terribly when we are apart.

  to love you is to cherish the warmth of your arms, the sweetness of your kiss, the friendliness of your smile, the loving sound in your voice, and the happiness we share.

  to love you is to never forget the adversity we have overcome, the tears we have shed, the plans we have made, the problems we have solved, and the pain of separation.

  to love you is to remember joyfully the days we made memorable, the moments that will live forever in our hearts, the dreams we hope for, the feelings we have for each other, the caresses and touches of love, and the ehilaration of love that fills our hearts.

  to love you is to need you, want you, hold you, and know you as no one else can.

  to love you is to realize that life without you would be no life at all...

  thats a little of what its like to be in love with you!

学英语作文 篇7

  Li Ying S Hobby

  Li Ying likes English very much. She works hard at it. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening.

  Does she like dancing? No, she doesnt. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents love her. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too. She says her hobbies make her happy.



  小朋友们写这种叙事写人作文时,可以从两个角度下手:一是具体地描绘;二是和上面小朋友一样,粗线条地勾画,二者各有所长,另处在行文中使用一些问句,使用一些转述的话,可以使作文更有灵气,避免了平铺直叙的缺点。比如上文的Does she like dancing? No, she doesnt.和she says her hobbies make her happy.就是十分不错的句子,使读者眼前为之一亮。










