
时间:2021-09-20 14:15:40 英语作文 我要投稿




快乐的英语作文 篇1

  my sunday

  today is sunday .

  l often watch tv and play computer games. sometimes do hongwork and read a book.

  oh l go shopping and go park:

  is 8 o`clock i play chess on the garss. is happy.

  is 9 o`clock i draw pictures under the tress. is happy.

  is 10 o`clock i swim in the swimming pool. is dirty.

  is 11 o`clock i go home. play computer game.

快乐的英语作文 篇2

  Old people can keep cats

  Some old people sometimes feel lonely. I think they can keep cats as their pets.

  First, cats are not very big and they don’t eat too much. Old people don’t need to make them big houses or spend too much on the cat food. Second, cats are very clean and easy to take care of. Old people don’t need to clean the house very often. Third, cats are good companies. When old people watch TV or rest on the sofa, cats are always with them. They make old people’s life much happier.

快乐的英语作文 篇3

  I like the Spring Festival, because they can receive gift money, also can let off fireworks; I like the Mid-Autumn Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can be the moon; I like the Lantern Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can pull the rabbit lamp.

  The annual Lantern Festival, my mother will buy me a rabbit lamp, but in my class that year s Lantern Festival it s haunting me.

  The moon tonight as the hope ... ... Lunar January fifteen big round moon, like a jade plate. All of us kids in the Fengzhen Park slipped beloved lamp.

  Fengzhen park is really lively, everywhere decorate. A little lantern riddles written on lanterns and one of odd shape. Some people look at the lights, some people guessing riddles written on lanterns ... ...

  Our lamps have different characteristics, attracted a lot of tourists. I pulled the peach light red, as long as gently pull it will slowly opened, suddenly from the inside fly a become an immortal Sun Wukong, visitors see non-stop clapping applause. Zitta Sun Wukong exhibit of lanterns his golden cudgel. Xiao Li of the dragon would run up and down, eyes will shine! Small day pull is the most lovely rabbit lamp, a small music also has an open Lotus lamp.

  Be jubilant to pull the lamp. We ll run side by side, while chasing each other, while race each other.

  All the lights, the most is the rabbit lamp, because of its kind, lovely, give us the festival brings peace and happiness.

快乐的英语作文 篇4


  上课铃声响了,中国老师和外国老师亲切和蔼地走进了教室,并用英语跟我们打招呼,还做了自我介绍。老师问我们有没有英文名,我立马站起来说我叫“Jerry”,还有一个小朋友说他叫“Tom”,没有英文名的小朋友老师给它们每人起了一个。接着老师讲了些“classroom rules”, 当她做哭的动作时我们就说”No”,当她做把玩具让给别人的动作时我们就说“Yes”……老师还带领我们做游戏,我们围成一圈,老师报出一名同学的英文名,拿球的同学就必须把球扔给他,接到球的同学也照此做下去……











