
时间:2022-02-03 15:13:31 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文600字 篇1

  Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has ended I went swimming many times with my classmates we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this arrangement.

英语作文600字 篇2

  今天,我看见我的红领巾脏了,又觉得妈妈很累,所以我决定自己洗红领巾。 我先接一盆水,然后把红领巾放入盆中打湿,再把红领巾上的水拧一拧,打上洗衣皂,搓一搓,然后放入水中涮一 涮,取出来拧干水,凉在阳台上,红领巾在阳光下显得更鲜艳了,我用鼻子凑上去闻一闻,嗯!真香!妈妈语重心长的说:“你这样爱护红领巾,很好,可是只有好好学习,长大做一个对祖国有用的人 ,才能真正为红领巾添光彩!”我对妈妈说我会努力的!

  Today, I saw that my red scarf was dirty and my mother was very tired, so I decided to wash it myself. I take a basin of water first, and then put the red scarf into the basin to wet, and then twist the water on the red scarf, put on the laundry soap, rub it, and then put it in the water to wash it, take it out and wring it dry, cool it on the balcony, the red scarf looks more colorful in the sun, I use my nose to smell it, HMM! Really sweet! My mother said earnestly, "it's very good that you love the red scarf, but only when you study hard and grow up to be a useful person for the motherland, can you really add luster to the red scarf!" I told my mother that I would work hard!

英语作文600字 篇3

  My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.

  For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends,i have to go home before nine p.m.It's strict,but i think it's necessary.

  And i must finish my homework in time.I can't play computer games.I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

  Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair!Students need nine hours sleep!

  And i think play some computer games is not badly.Soi think the family rules can make some change.







英语作文600字 篇4

  Everybody likes smiling.But why do we smile?Smiling makes us attractive.We are drawn to people who smile.Smiling changes our mood,as it can trick the body into feeling better.Smiling is infectious.When someone is smiling they lighten up the room,change the moods of others,and make them happier.Smiling relieves stress.It helps to prevent us from looking tired.

  Smiling makes us look healthier.It can bring us energy and pleasure.Smiling makes us become successful.Smiling people appear more confident,and are more likely to be approached.Smiling helps us stay positive.When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is good!”

  So just try smiling our way through the day.Stay away from depression,stress and worry by smiling.Smile when you meet others.Smile in time of difficulty.Smile when you feel sad.Smile wherever you are and whenever you can.

英语作文600字 篇5

  As the technology develops constantly, more and more people start to advocate the point of sustainable development. Especially countries depend on oil and coal, they begin to realize this kind of ways are not sustained.

  In the past, we gain some great achievements by sacrificing our environment. But now we pay a price for neglecting the importance of sustainability. We should learn how to develop our economy sustainably. But some officials just do it symbolically, and they only want to get a promotion by it. If we want to do it well, we must try our best to do it and care for the sysmaticness.

  There is no doubt that people should account for the terrible environment. What humanity needs to be subject to the nature is so obvious. We need act for the nature. We should think about how to adjust to it.

英语作文600字 篇6

  On the way home, Mathilde found that the necklace was gone。 She was frightened to death because it was too expensive for her。 She and her husband hurriedly returned and looked wherever she had been that night, but couldn't find it at all。

  What would they do? They had to buy a diamond necklace exactly like the one she borrowed from Jeanne and returned it to her。 It cost them 36,000 francs。

  In order to pay off the debts, they suffered hunger and cold day and night。 Ten years of hard work made young Mathilde so old that Jeanne could hardly recognize her when they happened to meet one day in a park。 It was then that Mathilde found out the truth: the necklace she had borrowed from Jeanne was not a real diamond necklace。 It was made of glass and cost only 500 francs at most!

英语作文600字 篇7


  You heard that Lucy, one of your best friends has been admitted to his dreamed university. Write an e-mail to him to express you congratulations to him in about 100 words.

  Dear Lucy,

  I am very glad to hear that you have been admitted to Beijing University. Congratulations! Your long-cherished dream has finally come true.

  I really think that you deserve the success. You have been working so hard in preparing for the entrance exam in the past years. All your time and energy was devoted to the hard study. Now your diligence and devotion have been repaid.

  I do believe that you will achieve one success after another on this new stage. And I am looking forward to hearing more good news from you. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations again.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

英语作文600字 篇8

  “苹果怎么读?”“嗯……apple 。”“对了,真聪明!”听到这些对话,你是不是认为是一个老师在考一个学生的英语呢?告诉你,你回答正确, 的确如此,不过,这师生二人不是别人,而是在下与小妹。我小妹今年两岁半,话还讲不完整,怎么学起英语来了呢?告诉你吧!那是一次极其偶然的机会……

  上学期期末,临近大考,我正在读英语(不好意思,有点临时抱佛脚),正好读到banana 这个单词,小妹听到了,连忙跑过来问我:“姐姐,你在说什么呀?”我一听很生气,说:“你烦不烦呀,我还要做作业呢!”妹妹可管不了那么多,还是一个劲儿地问我,我被她缠得不耐烦了,只得说:“我在读英语单词呢!”“你刚才读的是什么呀?”小妹又问。“是banana ,香蕉的意思!”“哦。”接着妹妹自己一边走,一边小声嘀咕着什么。“banana”咦,这是谁在读呢?好像是妹妹,不会吧?可是,声音的的确确是从身后传来的,我满怀疑惑地转过头,问她:“小妹,你刚才在说什么呀!”小妹回答说:“我在读英语呀banana呀!”“你怎么……”我惊奇万分,心想:妹妹的语言天赋真是好,是块学英语的料,一定要好好培养,不能被埋没了。”于是,在假期里,我开始教妹妹学英语。



英语作文600字 篇9


  My little sister is called jujube, others call her "little red date". Jujube is very fond of laughing. When I come back from school, she laughs and dances when she sees me. In the elevator, when jujube sees a stranger, he will stare at him all the time, and then keep laughing.


  The skin of jujube is particularly white, and I was very white when I was a child, but now jujube is whiter than me, just like snow white, shining like a pearl in the sun.


  My sister is very resistant to falling. Once she made a plop and fell off the sofa. She cried, but she was not hurt at all.

英语作文600字 篇10

  Today is May 11. When I had arrived at Anzhen Centre, I was suddenly notified by a teacher that I need to make a report about the first examination of the Popkids English Talent Competition.

  I went into the 304 classroom without thinking. It was really quiet in the classroom when I went in and all the competitors were concentrate in the listening test. I could see some of them writing confidently, but some of them were not certain about the answer.

  After the exam, one of the students told me that she thought the part 4 and 5 were a bit difficult, but the rest were very easy, and she was sure that she can pass. Other students also gave similar answers to my question.

  At last, I wish all of these students can pass the test!










