
时间:2022-02-12 17:02:09 英语作文 我要投稿




春节英语作文 篇1

  The Spring Festival is one of the traditional festival in China.

  Around thirty on this day, all have their own customs and habits, we the custom here is also very much. To sweep the house, for example, to stick couplets, set off firecrackers, shou sui. Seniors will give junior New Year's money, but also the steamed rice cakes and dumplings, etc.

  In addition to these interesting customs and habits, are in the back! As you know, on this day, the family will sit together for the family reunion dinner. My family also is such, the family sit together to eat and chat, talk about the New Year.

  Finished eating dinner, the whole family to watch the Spring Festival gala. Party in a variety of programs, there are beautiful moving songs, there are colorful folk dance, and funny lively essay crosstalk!

  New Year's bell, we off the old year, also ushered in the New Year. At this time, people will send blessing, send New Year message, but busy. So every year






春节英语作文 篇2

  Come again in the New Year, every household are playing firecrackers to greet the coming of the New Year, with red couplets on the door, the streets decorated, everyone's face hangs happy smile, the whole family sitting together round and round, round to eat dinner together, everywhere is permeated with festive celebrations.

  On the first day of the New Year, I woke up early to find three more red envelopes on my pillow. I was very surprised and said to myself, "will there be a blessing for the old people in the Spring Festival?" The mother smiled and said, "this is the red envelope that grandma and aunt gave you when the New Year arrived at 12 o 'clock last night!" I was glad to hear it. I got up quickly from the bed, dressed in new clothes and shoes, and was all new! Next, I am happy to congratulate my family elders! The whole family blessed each other, and everyone was in happiness.

  New Year is really happy and happy! I am a year old again, and in the New Year I will study harder, be a good child, good son, good student!

春节英语作文 篇3


  Today is the twelfth lunar month is thirty, we usually say that the new year's eve.


  Our family had an early dinner for the new year, and sat around together to watch the Spring Festival Gala this year. It soon arrived at eight, and the Spring Festival Gala began in 20xx. The program is wonderful. There are little pieces, singing, dancing, and magic shows. We enjoy it with great interest.


  "Ding...... "Unwittingly, the new year's bell rounded. Dad said: "Meng, the beginning of a new year, let's go, fireworks go downstairs! "I was happy to say," good! Okay! "And then I picked up the fireworks that my grandmother had bought for me.

  楼下的人可真不少呢,到处响起震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,我用手捂着耳朵。爸爸拿出了打火机,点燃烟花的引线,只听”叭“的一声,一束光便冲上了夜空,绽放出一朵金灿灿的菊花。烟花的颜色变化多 端,刚才还是绿色的,转眼又变成了红色的,过了一会儿,又变成了紫色,真是五彩缤纷。我注意地看着,看见了这朵又错过了那朵,看见了那朵,这朵又消失了,真是应接不暇!突然,天空中出现了 一朵十分美丽的烟花,它是由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫这七种颜色组成的,犹如一朵巨大的七色花,将夜空装扮得更加美丽!

  There were so many people downstairs, and the sound of deafening firecrackers was everywhere, and I covered my ears with my hands. Dad took out a lighter, lit the fireworks lead, just listen to "and" the sound of a beam of light rushed on the sky, blooming flower golden chrysanthemum. The color of the fireworks varied, just still green, and turned to red. After a while, it turned purple. It was really colourful. I looked, saw the flower and missed the flower, saw the flower, this flower is really too busy to attend to all disappeared again! Suddenly, a very beautiful fireworks appeared in the sky. It is made up of seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and like a huge seven color flower. It will make the night sky more beautiful.


  Looking at the beautiful fireworks, we greet the new year. I hope to have a new harvest in the New Year!

春节英语作文 篇4

  The Spring Festival is a big and grand festival, the Spring Festival represents the peace, happiness and reunion. I like the Spring Festival, because you can set off firecrackers, and wear new clothes, get lucky money.

  The day before the Spring Festival is New Year's eve, everybody cheerfully stick couplets on the Spring Festival, in front of his home in the kitchen making dumplings, have a meal before you set off firecrackers.

  I put a lot of firecrackers, Spring Festival is "ZuanTianHou", "ZuanTianHou" fly to the sky, making sound, very nice. The second is the "big tanks", like real tanks rushed past, open to a half stopped, colorful light, beautiful! The third set is butterfly fireworks, firecrackers butterfly a fire like a rocket flying, fly far away. The fourth is cherry bomb, cherry bomb was thrown to the ground, one step also ring with their feet.

  I like Spring Festival very much, want to wish every day is the Spring Festival!

春节英语作文 篇5

  According to the rules of our hometown, we have to make dumplings, eat rice, paste couplets and so on during the Spring Festival. Spring Festival is an ancient Chinese festival and the most important festival, so we all want to celebrate the Spring Festival.

  Spring Festival comes, it is our children's favorite holiday! Can get lucky money again after the Spring Festival! Get lucky money, you can go shopping! I went out to the store and bought a big bag of firecrackers. As soon as I got home, I took my mother and asked her to accompany me downstairs to shoot the gun. Listening to the sound of firecrackers, my heart is very happy at once!

  When the gun was finished, I went to the house to make dumplings with my grandmother. I looked at the lovely dumplings and I was so happy!

  During the Spring Festival, the evening is very lively, and people should stay up until twelve o 'clock. Many people put up their guns at twelve o 'clock, and they all lit up the sky! After we had finished the electric light, we opened the window. Wow! Just like in the day! If we walk on the road, we can see without lights!

  In a blink of an eye, it is time to go to school again, we are going to school again, I really miss the Spring Festival! Chinese New Year composition 400 words about the Spring Festival composition.

春节英语作文 篇6

  This winter holiday I stayed at home. I am happy because my father and my mother could spend more time with me during the Spring Festival.

  Besides, on the eve of the Spring Festival, we had a great family reunion dinner and then we watched Spring Festival Party on CCTV1. Sometimes, I reviewed my lessons. I had a very wonderful holiday.

春节英语作文 篇7

  China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in some important days。 Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Year's Eve。 They usually enjoy a big feast this day。 And dumpling and fish are must during the Family Reunion Dinner on New Year's Eve。 Some people will put a coin inside one dumpling。 The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy。 The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone。 And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck。












