高中英语作文字:负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes

时间:2022-08-09 08:22:10 英语作文 我要投稿
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高中英语作文字:负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes

  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编为大家收集的高中英语作文字:负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes,欢迎大家分享。

高中英语作文字:负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes

  i have two flutes. one is complete and good; the other broken.every time i see them, i can't help feeling sorry and thinking of my dear father.

  i like playing the flute very much. although i'm busy with my studies, i try hard to find time to play it. and i believe i play it quite well. at the last new year party i played for my class, and everyone praised my performance. i made up my mind to become an ecellent flute player, so i told my father that i wanted to enter taishan music and dance college to learn playing the flute, but he wouldn't agree.

  in the last final eaminations i got poor marks and my father was angry. not only did he hit me, but he also broke my flute. he told me not to play the flute any more.

  a few days later i noticed my father was no longer angry with me. he seemed to feel sorry for what he had done. several times he wanted to have a talk with me, but i walked away, because i had not forgiven him.

  the other day a classmate of mine told me that my father had come to the school to see me. as i was still angry with him and did not wish to see him. i asked the classmate to tell him that i was not in the classroom. a moment later my classmate returned with a beautiful flute in his hand and a smile on his face. “how kind and considerate your father is!” he said in an envious tone.

  “ah, my dear father!”i said to myself, while tears began running down my face.

【高中英语作文字:负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes】相关文章:




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