
时间:2023-04-01 13:32:16 英语作文 我要投稿




英语过年的作文 篇1

  The Spring Festival is coming, and every house is a scene of excitement.

  Big year 30, my father ask me to paste spring couplet together, I say to father: "spring couplet should stick square is positive?" Dad said, "you are so smart!" I helped my father to hold the stool, and under the command. With my help, we posted the Spring Festival couplets. I see many people in the stick couplets on the Spring Festival, content is good lucky for you, sing praises of the motherland and so on, such as "very spring scenery, wanli inati", "blooming flowers, bamboo to peace", "spring people frequently, the progressiveness"...

  When he got home, his father was ready to paste the word "fu", and he put the word square. I said: "the lucky word should be upside down, blessing will arrive ah!" My parents praised me more than before, I am very happy.

  How happy the Spring Festival is!

英语过年的作文 篇2

  Chinese New Year, my father and my sister together to tianma supermarket to buy New Year goods, we walked into the supermarket, there are so many people! It's a sea of people.

  There are a lot of goods in the supermarket, there are lots of goods from all over the country. For example, there are dozens of delicious sausages for all the drinks I love, even the fresh fruit in the south, which makes our people in the north more satisfied. During the New Year, people bring their bags to their homes and buy them for hundreds of yuan.

  The father said, "you have more children now. You can have whatever you want. We didn't have so many goods when we were young."

  This is not to say that our country is now economic development, social progress, the country is rich and powerful?

英语过年的作文 篇3

  Today is the first day of the New Year. I got up at seven. The rest of the family got up much earlier than I did, and they had to pay a visit. It's just me and grandma.

  I had just finished breakfast when my aunt and sister arrived. As soon as my grandmother saw her sister coming, she hurriedly asked me and my sister to kowtow to the lucky money. After I finished my head, my grandmother gave me and my sister 200 yuan each.

  In the morning. When father, mother, uncle, master and aunt came back, grandpa bought a firecracker and went downstairs. Once I listen to and are interested in, then to grandpa said: "grandpa, I have never let off firecrackers, let me put" grandpa agreed, but still is not at ease, let daddy accompany me to go downstairs and set off firecrackers. My sister knew it, and she was going to have a good time. After going downstairs, I put the firecracker on the floor, bent down, picked up the lighter, and ready to light the lead. Suddenly, I heard my father shout quickly: "don't point!" I stood up and asked, "what's the matter?" "The father replied," I think the firecracker line is too short, and when it's on fire, it's too late to run. It's dangerous. When I was a kid, I was blown up by firecrackers, and I haven't dared to set off firecrackers in thirty years. "All right, all right," I said impatiently. "I'm not going to be blown up." As he spoke, he bent over to continue the firecracker. 'that's not good! Dad stopped me, "for insurance," dad said as he pulled a piece of tissue from his pocket and placed it under the firecracker's lead. "Now you can order this toilet paper head. "I listened obediently to my father -- and lit the head of the toilet paper. As soon as he was burning, he heard his father crying, "light, run!" I ran and thought: dad, dad, would you like to have a firecracker? When the fire on the toilet paper was on the fire, the firecrackers exploded. My sister smiled and covered her ears. I watched the fireworks explode so much that I thought if I didn't use the toilet paper, I might actually be blown up.

  After lunch, my sister and I played CARDS for a while, and then we played chess with grandpa. But it was a very short time -- my father and mother, it was time to go home. After saying goodbye to my grandparents, I went home reluctantly, feeling that I had a good year.










