
时间:2023-07-24 11:42:57 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1


  伴随着老师的一声“Hello,boys and girls!”,我们便很快进入了英语学习状态。首先,我们复习了上节课的内容,接着,老师又教了我们新课的内容。这时,大家都感到有些疲惫了,老师仿佛也从我们有气无力的回答声中察觉到了什么。于是,聪明的老师试图通过玩游戏的方式来提升我们的兴趣。

  在老师的要求下,我们站成一列,然后按从前到后的`顺序,两个一组两个一组的依次排开,并且背对着背。接下来,老师各自给我们发了一张卡片,卡片上有我们新学的英语单词,然后让我们把卡片放在胸前,当老师叫“Three two one”的话音一落,比赛该组的同学便在第一时间转过身来,读出对方卡片上的单词,先读出者便可以以手代枪“砰砰砰”地攻击对方,有种胜利的感觉。当“砰砰砰”声此起彼伏,我们也就玩得进入了高潮,所有的疲惫都被我们抛到了九霄云外。


英语作文400字 篇2

  My favorite teacher

  My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

  Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

  Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

  This is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.

英语作文400字 篇3

  Early rising

  Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways.

  Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. It's fun for us to take a walk along the street.

  Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. When we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. In the morning we learn more quickly and memorize what we learn easily.

  Thirdly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat breakfast properly.

英语作文400字 篇4

  It is said that around sixteenth Century, the German evergreen pine branches to the furnishings in the house, and later, the German missionary Martin Ruud put the candle on the fir tree in the woods, and then lit, it looks like to guide people to the Bethlehem stars, like two thousand years ago, the three Magi found Jesus in accordance with the stars in general. Today, people have used small light bulbs instead of candles.

  A long time ago, a farmer, met a poor child on Christmas day, he received a child, the child when he left pine root ed in the ground and immediately turned into a pine tree, hung above a gift to farmers in return for the kindness.

英语作文400字 篇5

  a dream

  peter: oh, i can't believe it. i am now in london in england. i see the big ben. big ben is not the the name of a man. it is a very big clock…. oh, i am so happy.

  happy: how are you?

  peter: i'm fine, thank you.

  happy: how was your holiday?

  peter: it was fun.

  happy: where did you go?

  peter: i went to england.

  happy: how did you go there?

  peter: i went by plane.

  happy: what did you do and what did you see?

  peter: i saw the big ben. the hands are four meters long.and i bought presents for you!

  happy: oh, thank you. did you take any pictures?

  peter: yes. er…where did i put my pictures? ...

  peter: oh, it's a dream!

英语作文400字 篇6

  When the things are urgent for me, I will be very impatient and get myself in the mess. Being impatient is my weakness, I know it is not good for me, but I just cannot control myself. Now I have learned to make things slowly, I can’t lose control no matter how bad the things are going on. I believe I can get over my weakness and be a better person.


英语作文400字 篇7

  It is said that about 16,000 in school accidents every year in China. The worst accidents come from food poisoning, firs, electricity and traffic. As a student, we should all be serious about school safety. What should we do?

  We should learn about safety by having safety lessons and watching videos, acting in short plays. And the schools could make their own newspapers to learn about safety. We should keep in order and not to hurry if we ever have a real fire. We shouldn’t reach out and touch the switches. We shouldn’t eat junk food more often. We should keep in order when we on the road. We should take care if we through the road.

英语作文400字 篇8


  Hello everyone, my name is Zhu Hanyu and my nickname is Yuyu. I come from class 21 of Xihu primary school. I am eight years old.


  I wear a ponytail, I have a pair of round eyes, my mouth is like a cherry mouth, my face is like an apple.


  I like watching fairies. I like eating apples. I like singing best. Every time my mother plays music, I will sing.


  Do you know me?










