
时间:2023-04-10 14:57:45 作文写作 我要投稿




英语过年的作文 篇1

  This year, I was born in Dongying to stay at my grandmother's home for the new year. The two cities are far away, so the custom is different.

  Early in the morning, my mother gave me new clothes. At noon mom and grandma made dumplings. I put firecrackers and played games downstairs and my children. I had fun playing it. I went back to my grandma's home for dumplings. Grandma said, "there are two dumplings with coins. I eat and eat, but I haven't eaten a single coin. My mother has eaten two yuan. My mother is really lucky.

  At night we sat in front of the TV watching the gala, until 12:00 in the night, everyone staying-up late on new year's eve. But I fell asleep.

  I didn't see the beautiful fireworks, but I was happy!

英语过年的作文 篇2

  The New Year, every family hangs red lanterns and colorful with everyone hang money, each with a bright red couplets, that there's characters, dazzling gold, blessing to the people a happy New Year and yearning for a better life. The grown-ups were preparing dinner and talking happily, and the children were playing with new clothes, firecrackers, and chirping.

  Night, the streets were filled with red lanterns lit, hanging on both sides of the road the tree lights are lit, flash, red, blue, yellow, green, do you like in the fairy tale world. When you pass through the square, the red light of the big "spring" lamp makes you feel a bit warm in the cold night, as if in this festive atmosphere, spring is coming to you.

  As time goes on, firecrackers is more and more intensive, 11 o 'clock in the evening, reached its climax, the dark sky colorful with fireworks, the deafening noise coming from all directions, you can tell not clear which direction is the firecrackers, the air was filled with thick, suffocating sexual encounters, but all this and let you feel excited. For people, this may be the charm of Chinese New Year.

  Chinese New Year, the family gathered together, in the festival, the excitement we sent away the past year, is about to usher in the first day of the New Year, how happy it is!

英语过年的作文 篇3

  What is it doing? The original home of the Spring Festival is coming, every household paste red couplets on the Spring Festival, hang red lanterns, something woke up the sleeping dragon, bang up the festive drum, jump up a lively yangko... A New Year has come!

  "New Year! Eat dumplings, the streets decorated, beaming, adult children wear festive costumes, people outside the home, feel the holiday atmosphere, everyone with a smile on his face, his mouth said auspicious words, feet trample the firecrackers set off after the red petals, thick, soft, from a distance, like a red river, fantastic! The air was filled with the smell of happiness and happiness, a scene of joy and peace.

  On the evening of the first seven days of the first month, there is a new fireworks party in my hometown. After dinner, people have come to light place, here have been packed, seven point three, fireworks open on time, listen to "bang" a loud noise, a salute Taking off, the instant blossom in the air, as if a beautiful lotus open in the bright sky, and then each chaotic sky of fireworks, sometimes like a silvery waterfall, some like chrysanthemum in full bloom, some like the peacock... Colorful, very beautiful flowers, one of my favorite fireworks like a machine gun, "dadada" a shot to the sky, and flames, deafening, dazzling, dizzying. In the crowd, cameras and mobile phones flicker, trying to capture the moment. The cheers, the exclamations are not in the ears, we jump, jump, lively!

  The old and the new. The New Year is coming, I am a year old again, in the New Year, wish good luck to accompany me, I will also work harder, achieve excellent results!

英语过年的作文 篇4

  New Year's day just passed, the Spring Festival is approaching, and to talk about the Spring Festival, the mouth can not help.

  I like to collect New Year's money during the Spring Festival, when mom, grandma, dad... Give me lucky money. I remember one time when I had trouble with the lucky money.

  That, my mother and I went to grandma's New Year, when you get there, I ke is a head, thought that grandma will give me money, but the grandmother did not give me, then I du mouth up to, at that time, I can hung an oil bottle mouth. But my grandmother didn't notice my face and was still talking. In order to get her attention, I said, "there seems to be less money for the year." The grandmother heard: "chenchen, you are so big, don't need to want the lucky money again." "Dead old woman." That's it. I didn't take care of my grandmother for days.

  See this, people think I must be a lucky money fan, ha ha, that is right.

  Did you have a good Spring Festival?

英语过年的作文 篇5

  Into the twilight years, the memory of childhood almost drowned in the years of dust, abandoned at the time of the back, so some interesting childhood into a hazy dream. However, it still makes me memorable for the new year.

  In the twelfth lunar month, annual taste gradually strong, grinding roller, push the door, have a few small steamed white rice, Steamed Buns cage big cake, yellow nest, put on big red dates, it is sticky sweet. Grandpa will go to buy some meat, the temptation of the figure, and sheep slaughtered in the hustle and bustle of golden cauldron on. At that time, every day, always hope hope ah wait for new year, continuous rolling, strong flavor, no wonder than childhood under the year than it delicious, taste good.

  Twenty-three is the year the twelfth lunar month, the idea is not to engage in family planning, casual students. Both rich and poor households, each at least four or five, some seven students for a girl named seven fairies, finally did not give up, to give birth to a son; some had nine girl called nine female avatar, some students under twelve is called a home, so the street is the little girl, the little child always a pile of pile.

  Twenty-four the twelfth lunar month is the traditional flower street, listen! We are brought together by common consent shouted: Twenty-three new year arrived, the girl sending out the kitchen god, take the boy to the gun! So every grandfather brought grandchildren to catch the flower flower set, buy guns and flowers, made us laugh.

  In the year thirty, the house is every family put up the table, hang on the progenitor, put every kind of tribute, incense, paper money, the day was put on the red lanterns and get to meet God on the firecrackers, the crossing on the lanterns and torches, firecrackers, back when all cried with sentence: my grandparents' home!

  God put back, the whole family are busy, big uncle and two uncle firecrackers, dad and uncle, uncle and six uncle to please God to drink tea with a cigarette, grandma aunt dumplings, a bowl of fish for the "world of God", two Niang for "Kitchen God", for my mother "God God", five aunt Liushen incense, burning paper, sixteen of us left with neither kowtow.

  In my memory, on the night of thirty, I felt a bit scared when I went to black dumplings, and I couldn't reach five fingers. But when the family sat down to eat dumplings, they were really busy. Grandpa always likes to joke with us that we are one year old for each person by tomorrow and five thousand dollars per person .










