Report about Motivation Progmme作文200

时间:2021-11-17 13:37:47 200字作文 我要投稿

Report about Motivation Progmme作文200字

  Report about Motivation Programme in SMK Sri Utama

Report about Motivation Progmme作文200字

  On 2 October 2017, a group of motivators came to have a motivation campaign in our school ,SMK Sri Utama. Only PT3 and SPM students were participated in it .Around 4 teachers accompanied the students. At first, a motivator, Miss Darlia introduced herself in a humor way.Then, she showed us herex-students that succeed in life.One Of them eventually become a millionaire. We were devastated of this incident.She advised us to turn over a new leaf and study smart.One of her student, Firdaus who weight more than 150 kg wanted

  to loss weight because of his mother.He has a big tummy and he eats 8 times a day. His......

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