
时间:2021-09-10 20:50:02 英语作文 我要投稿




春节英语作文 篇1

  Today is the 1th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, my favorite holiday - Spring Festival.

  The Spring Festival has many customs fireworks, couplets, watching the Spring Festival Gala, staying-up late on new year's eve...... Today, my dad and I put up a couplet and an annual painting. In the evening, my dad and I set off firecrackers, Dad's firecrackers were green and red, one by one like a bird in the sky. My mother and grandma made dumplings in the house. I also went to make dumplings. I wrapped a lace dumpling.

  When I saw the Spring Festival Gala, I hurried upstairs to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and I rushed upstairs to see the Spring Festival Gala. There will be snacks, songs and dances for the Spring Festival Gala. One of my favorite programs is a sketch. Mother called me down to eat dumplings, and I went downstairs. My mother put a plate of steaming dumplings on the table, we are one family sitting together to eat dumplings, enjoyable, I ate fifteen dumplings, to a bit in the morning, I was very sleepy, go to bed.

  Spring Festival, a long time for me to be unforgettable, I like your Spring Festival.

春节英语作文 篇2

  Do you want to know how we Chinese people live in the new year? Let me love this child to tell you!

  We have to clean the house in the first few days of the new year. Go out and buy new clothes and pants, put himself up. Do you know why you want to pour "blessing" on the Spring Festival couplets and "Fu" on the door? Let me tell you: some people see your family's door on the door and say to you, "your family's blessing is fallen!" We say, "thank you!" My family's blessing is "here!"

  When we celebrate new year, we have the new year's Eve dinner. There are fish, taro, rice cake, fish and Taro in the new year's Eve, and the annual cake is because of the high annual cake of the New Year cake. But the northerners are not the same as we eat, they eat dumplings. After dinner, father, mother, Grandpa, grandma and so on, they will give me the money. I began to put the fireworks, and I watched a fireworks rise up in the sky, but it was beautiful. After watching the fireworks, the family gathered together to watch TV. On the second morning, people say, "Congratulations!" Congratulations! "

  You see! It's interesting for us Chinese to have the new year.





春节英语作文 篇3

  The Song Dynasty poet Wang Anshi in the "Yuan" wrote a suichu fireworks, warm spring breeze makes. Numerous households pupil pupil, the new peach old fu. What do "new peaches" and "old characters" mean? In modern words, the spring couplets are the couplets. Spring couplets are one kind of couplets. How do we develop spring couplets in China?

  As a unique literary form, Spring Festival couplets have a long history in our country. It began in the Five Dynasties and the ten countries. The two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties were particularly prosperous, and it has been developed for more than one thousand years. Early in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the folk of China during the Chinese new year, hanging on the door of the left and right Taofu customs. The two board is Taofu mahogany to do the above were written on the legendary god descending ghost "Tu (TU)" and "Yu Lei" name, used to pressure the evil ghost. This custom has lasted for more than one thousand years. By the five generation, people began to take the language problem in peachwood board instead of God descending ghost name. According to historical records, Meng Chang, Chang of the late Shu Dynasty, was the first couplet called "new year Na Yuqing, Jiajie Changchun" on the eve of the 964 year's Eve on the bedroom door. After the Song Dynasty, the folk New Year couplets hanging is quite common, so Wang Anshi's "Yuanri" poem "numerous households pupil pupil, the new peach old Fu" was a true portrayal of the grand spring festival couplets. The Spring Festival couplets and Taofu are closely related, so the ancients also known as "Spring Festival couplets".

  To the Ming Dynasty, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang advocated antithetical couplet. He in Jinling (now Nanjing) after all, must be written a pair of antithetical couplet on the door command Secretary of state officials and ordinary people at home on New Year's Eve, he personally went to wear casual clothes, watch from door to door. At that time, the literati also took the title as a gentle music, and the spring festival couplet became a temporary social fashion. In Qing Dynasty, Qian Long, Jia Qing, Dynasty three dynasties, Tang poetry flourished as a poetic couplet, there are many well-known names of Lian jia.

  With the development of cultural exchanges in various countries, the couplets were introduced into Vietnam, Korea, Japan and Singapore. These countries have still retained the customs of the couplets.

春节英语作文 篇4

  There are many traditional festivals in my hometown. The most interesting is the Spring Festival.

  According to the custom of hometown, the Spring Festival begins on the 23rd day of the twelfth month. On the twenty-third day of the twelfth month, people began to clean their rooms, clean the inside and outside of the house, and kill sheep to kill the pigs. From that day on, people began to buy goods, buy couplets and buy candies... Some people have to fry their oil.

  On New Year's eve, it was even more lively. Everyone was making dumplings, and the smell of the wine was everywhere. Both men and women wore beautiful new clothes and red couplets on the doors. On this day, everyone who is out of the house will be back in the league. In the evening, the firecrackers sound all night long, people still want to watch Spring Festival party, eat New Year's eve dinner.

  From the beginning of the New Year to the tenth day, it is a good day for people to visit friends and relatives. People want to pay a New Year's greetings to each other, bless their relatives and friends for happiness and peace in the coming year. The guests were brought to the house, and the adults had to take out good food to receive the guests, and the children were very happy because they could receive the lucky money.

  When it comes to the Lantern Festival, the whole street is brightly lit, with lights on, fish lights, fuwa lights, rocket lights... . People poured in from all directions, gathered around the square to watch fireworks, and all kinds of fireworks made the night sky more colorful.

  The Spring Festival ended when the Spring Festival was over, and people began to live busy again.

春节英语作文 篇5


  Today is the twelfth lunar month is thirty, we usually say that the new year's eve.


  Our family had an early dinner for the new year, and sat around together to watch the Spring Festival Gala this year. It soon arrived at eight, and the Spring Festival Gala began in 20xx. The program is wonderful. There are little pieces, singing, dancing, and magic shows. We enjoy it with great interest.


  "Ding...... "Unwittingly, the new year's bell rounded. Dad said: "Meng, the beginning of a new year, let's go, fireworks go downstairs! "I was happy to say," good! Okay! "And then I picked up the fireworks that my grandmother had bought for me.

  楼下的人可真不少呢,到处响起震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,我用手捂着耳朵。爸爸拿出了打火机,点燃烟花的引线,只听”叭“的一声,一束光便冲上了夜空,绽放出一朵金灿灿的'菊花。烟花的颜色变化多 端,刚才还是绿色的,转眼又变成了红色的,过了一会儿,又变成了紫色,真是五彩缤纷。我注意地看着,看见了这朵又错过了那朵,看见了那朵,这朵又消失了,真是应接不暇!突然,天空中出现了 一朵十分美丽的烟花,它是由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫这七种颜色组成的,犹如一朵巨大的七色花,将夜空装扮得更加美丽!

  There were so many people downstairs, and the sound of deafening firecrackers was everywhere, and I covered my ears with my hands. Dad took out a lighter, lit the fireworks lead, just listen to "and" the sound of a beam of light rushed on the sky, blooming flower golden chrysanthemum. The color of the fireworks varied, just still green, and turned to red. After a while, it turned purple. It was really colourful. I looked, saw the flower and missed the flower, saw the flower, this flower is really too busy to attend to all disappeared again! Suddenly, a very beautiful fireworks appeared in the sky. It is made up of seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and like a huge seven color flower. It will make the night sky more beautiful.


  Looking at the beautiful fireworks, we greet the new year. I hope to have a new harvest in the New Year!





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