

时间:2021-09-06 18:26:26 大学英语 我要投稿



4. A Cat Thief 猫贼 ?

?    In Newcastle, England, recently a cat called Ziggy was found to have stolen things worth more than 1,000 pounds from houses in the neighborhood of its owner. At first, people reported to the police that they had many things stolen and Helen, Ziggy’s owner, kept finding new things in her kitchen. The things were not hers and they included jewelry, a bundle of blouses, underwear, toys, napkins from a restaurant, watches, rubber gloves, soap, and a banner. Ziggy even got back police cassette tape that had been important in a case. Helen had no idea where these things had come from, so she gave them to local charity shops. When the whole thing was found out, Helen said to her friends, “It was awfully embarrassing when I found so much strange underwear in my kitchen.”??




1.recently ?ad.?最近?

【联想】recent ?a.?最近的,近来的

2.neighborhood ?n.?附近,邻近

3.bundle ?n.?一捆,一包 ‖ ?vt.? 捆,包,把…扎成一包

4.blouse ?n.?女衬衫,童衫

5.toy ?n.?玩具

6.napkin ?n.?餐巾,餐巾纸

7.glove ?n.?手套

8.soap ?n.?肥皂

9.banner ?n.?旗帜,横幅,标语

10.cassette ?n.?  盒式录章(或录像)带

11.tape ?n.?带子,带,录音带,磁带 ‖ ?vt.? 录音

12.local ?a.?  ① 地方性的,当地的,本地的 ② 局部的,狭隘的

13.charity ?n.?  ① 救济金,施舍物 ② (常