

时间:2022-02-06 19:02:40 专业词汇 我要投稿


10月10日,伊拉克首都巴格达发生数起爆炸事件,造成至少21人丧生。10日上午,巴格达警察学院门前发生一起自杀式汽车爆炸事件,造成包括7名妇女在内的不少路人丧生。当天,伊文化部附近的一个市场旁也发生了自杀式汽车爆炸事件,导致两名路人受伤;据悉,爆炸袭击的目标是3辆美军军车,但未给美军造成伤亡。外电报道如下:A suicide car bomb killed 17 people near Baghdad's Oil Ministry and a nearby police academy on Sunday, the Oil Ministry spokesman said. "The bomb apparently exploded prematurely at an intersection in front of the academy. Most of the dead were passersby, including seven women," said spokesman Assem Jihad. Premature表示“过早的,仓促的,时机未成熟的”,此外还有“早熟”的意思;其名词形式表示“早产的婴儿;过早爆发的炮弹;过早发生的事物”。

来看一个例句:I had been a little too premature in coming to this conclusion.(作出这样的结论,我有点太草率了。)